64-Bit MIPS RISC Microprocessor
The VR5432ä microprocessor brings a new level of high-end performance to low-cost
embedded design. This member of NEC’s VR Seriesä microprocessors operates at either
167 or 200 MHz and uses a gated clock, minimal switching techniques, and a special circuit
design to keep power consumption low. Its symmetric dual-issue pipeline with six
independent execution units executes any combination of arithmetic logic unit (ALU), floating-
point, or rotate instructions, while 32 KB instruction and data caches implement cache line
locking to keep critical code and data cached. Multiple outstanding read transactions allow
both caches to be filled concurrently, keeping the processor supplied with a steady stream of
instructions and data. Mapping of accesses to virtual memory addresses is optimized with a
48-double-entry joint instruction/data translation lookaside buffer (TLB) and two separate
four-entry micro TLBs for instructions and data.
Digital set-top boxes, Internet appliances, and office automation equipment
Dual-issue superscalar pipeline with six independent units
Separate 32 KB two-way, set-associative instruction and data caches with cache line
locking and parity
Two unified 64-bit integer/floating-point units, each with 64-bit barrel shifters
High-speed operating frequency
316 Dhrystone MIPS at 167 MHz
377 Dhrystone MIPS at 200 MHz
32-bit system bus
83 MHz SysAD bus speed at 167 MHz
100 MHz SysAD bus speed at 200 MHz
On-chip debugging via JTAG, N-wire and N-trace functions
Low power consumption
1.8 watts at 167 MHz (typ.)
2.1 watts at 200 MHz (typ.)
64-bit architecture with a 32-bit multiplexed address/data bus interface
MIPS IV-compliant instruction set architecture
MIPS architecture extensions
Integer multiply-accumulate instructions and other register-based multiply variations
for fast DSP support
Integer rotate instructions for fast 32-bit and 64-bit string operations
Packed data vector operations for fast 8 x 8-bit image and multimedia processing
Cache line locking instructions (both caches) for better cache management