Rev. 5, 08/2005
Freescale Semiconductor
Technical Data
800 MHz Low Voltage PECL
Clock Synthesizer
The MPC9230 is a 3.3 V compatible, PLL based clock synthesizer targeted for
high performance clock generation in mid-range to high-performance telecom,
networking and computing applications. With output frequencies from 50 MHz to
800 MHz(1) and the support of differential PECL output signals the device meets
the needs of the most demanding clock applications.
50 MHz to 800 MHz(1) synthesized clock output signal
Differential PECL output
CASE 776-02
LVCMOS compatible control inputs
On-chip crystal oscillator for reference frequency generation
Alternative LVCMOS compatible reference clock input
3.3 V power supply
CASE 776-02
Fully integrated PLL
Minimal frequency overshoot
Serial 3-wire programming interface
Parallel programming interface for power-up
32-lead LQFP and 28-lead PLCC packaging
32-lead and 28-lead Pb-free package available
SiGe Technology
CASE 873A-04
CASE 873A-04
Ambient temperature range -40°C to +85°C
Pin and function compatible to the MC12430
Functional Description
The internal crystal oscillator uses the external quartz crystal as the basis of its frequency reference. The frequency of the
internal crystal oscillator is divided by 16 and then multiplied by the PLL. The VCO within the PLL operates over a range of 800
to 1600 MHz.(1) Its output is scaled by a divider that is configured by either the serial or parallel interfaces. The crystal oscillator
frequency fXTAL, the PLL feedback-divider M and the PLL post-divider N determine the output frequency.
The feedback path of the PLL is internal. The PLL adjusts the VCO output frequency to be 8⋅M times the reference frequency
by adjusting the VCO control voltage. Note that for some values of M (either too high or too low) the PLL will not achieve phase
lock. The PLL will be stable if the VCO frequency is within the specified VCO frequency range (800 to 1600 MHz(1)). The M-value
must be programmed by the serial or parallel interface.
The PLL post-divider N is configured through either the serial or the parallel interfaces, and can provide one of four division
ratios (1, 2, 4, or 8). This divider extends performance of the part while providing a 50% duty cycle. The output driver is driven
differentially from the output divider, and is capable of driving a pair of transmission lines terminated 50 Ω to VCC – 2.0 V. The
positive supply voltage for the internal PLL is separated from the power supply for the core logic and output drivers to minimize
noise induced jitter.
The configuration logic has two sections: serial and parallel. The parallel interface uses the values at the M[8:0] and N[1:0]
inputs to configure the internal counters. It is recommended on system reset to hold the P_LOAD input LOW until power becomes
valid. On the LOW-to-HIGH transition of P_LOAD, the parallel inputs are captured. The parallel interface has priority over the
serial interface. Internal pullup resistors are provided on the M[8:0] and N[1:0] inputs and prevent the LVCMOS compatible control
inputs from floating.
The serial interface centers on a fourteen bit shift register. The shift register shifts once per rising edge of the S_CLOCK input.
The serial input S_DATA must meet setup and hold timing as specified in the AC Characteristics section of this document. The
configuration latches will capture the value of the shift register on the HIGH-to-LOW edge of the S_LOAD input. See the program-
ming section for more information. The TEST output reflects various internal node values, and is controlled by the T[2:0] bits in
the serial data stream. In order to minimize the PLL jitter, it is recommended to avoid active signal on the TEST output.
1. The VCO frequency range of 800–1600 MHz is available at an ambient temperature range of 0 to 70°C. At –40 to +85°C, the VCO frequency
(output frequency) is limited to max. 1500 MHz (750 MHz).
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2005. All rights reserved.