If x is an integer, then y = x. Otherwise, y is the nearest integer to x.
For example, round(2.1) = 2, round(2.5) = 3, and round(−3.1) = −3.
decimal point of α0 to the left to accommodate small values of α.
Calculation of α1 is a two-step process, as follows:
The ceil() function
w = if(α <1, − ceil(log2 (α)), 0)
y = ceil(x)
α1 = if(α <1, min
63, max(0, w) , 0)
If x is an integer, then y = x. Otherwise, y is the next integer to the
right on the number line. For example, ceil(2.8) = 3, whereas
ceil(−2.8) = −2.
If gain is necessary (that is, α > 1), then it is beneficial to apply
most or all of it to the front-end gain (α2) implying that the
calculation of α2 is to be done before α3. Calculation of α2 is a
three-step process that leads directly to the calculation of α3.
The min() function
y = min(x0, x1, ... xn)
x = if(α >1, ceil(log2 (α)), 0)
where x0 through xn is a list of real numbers, and the value of y is
the number in the list that is the farthest to the left on the number
y = if(α >1, min 22, max(0, x) , 0)
α2 = if(y ≥ 8, 7, y)
The max() function
α3 = if (y ≥ 8, y − 7, 0)
y = max(x0, x1, ... xn)
Calculation of α0 is a two-step process, as follows:
where x0 through xn is a list of real numbers, and the value of y is
the number in the list that is the farthest to the right on the
number line.
z = round(α × 216+α −α
2 −α3
α0 = min
The log2() function
Using the example value of α = 0.012735446 yields
log2 (x) =
w = 6, so α1 = 6
where ln() is the natural log function and x is a positive, nonzero
x = 0 and y = 0, so α2 = 0 and α3 = 0
z = 53,416.332099584, so α0 = 53,416
Assume that the coefficient calculations for α, β, γ, and δ yield the
following results:
This leads to the following quantized value, which is very close to
the desired value of 0.012735446:
α = 0.012735446
β = −6.98672×10−5
αquantized = 53416× 2−22 ≈ 0.01273566821
γ = −7.50373×10−5
δ = 0.002015399
The quantized β coefficient consists of two components, β0 and β1
according to
These values are floating point numbers that must be quantized
according to the bit widths of the linear and exponential
− β ≈ βquantized = β0 × 2−(17 + β )
components of the coefficients as they appear in the register map.
Note that the calculations that follow indicate a positive value for
the register entries of β and γ. The reason is that β and γ, which
are supposed to be negative values, are stored in the AD9548
registers as positive values. The AD9548 converts the stored values
to negative numbers within its signal processing core. A detailed
description of the register value computations for α, β, γ, and δ is
contained in the Calculation of the α Register Values section to
the Calculation of the δ Register Values section.
where β0 and β1 are the register values. Calculation of β1 is a two-
step process that leads to the calculation of β0, which is also a two-
step process.
x = −ceil(log2 ( β ))
β1 = min
y = round( β × 217 + β
31, max(0, x)
β0 = min
131,071 , max(1, y)
Using the example value of −β = 6.98672 × 10−5 yields
x = 13, so β1 = 13
The quantized α coefficient consists of four components, α0, α1,
α2, and α3 according to
α ≈ αquantized = α0 × 216−α +α +α
y = 75,019.3347657728, so β0 = 75,019
where α0, α1, α2, and α3 are the register values. α2 provides front-
end gain and α3 provides back-end gain, and α1 shifts the binary
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