Product Description
RoHS Compliant
& Green Package
Sirenza Microdevices’ SBA-4086 is a high performance InGaP/GaAs SBA-4086Z
Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor MMIC Amplifier. A Darlington
DC-5 GHz, Cascadable
InGaP/GaAs HBT MMICAmplifier
configuration designed with InGaP process technology provides
broadband performance up to 5 GHz with excellent thermal
perfomance. The heterojunction increases breakdown voltage and
minimizes leakage current between junctions. Cancellation of
emitter junction non-linearities results in higher suppression of
intermodulation products. Only a single positive supply voltage,
DC-blocking capacitors, a bias resistor, and an optional RF choke
are required for operation.
Product Features
The matte tin finish on Sirenza’s lead-free package utilizes a post • Now available in Lead Free, RoHS
annealing process to mitigate tin whisker formation and is RoHS Compliant, & Green Packaging
compliant per EU Directive 2002/95. This package is also
manufactured with green molding compounds that contain no
antimony trioxide nor halogenated fire retardants.
• IP3 = 33.5dBm @ 1950MHz
• Pout=12.3dBm @-45dBc ACP IS-95 1950MHz
• Robust 1000V ESD, Class 1C
• Operates From Single Supply
• Patented Thermal Design
Gain and Return Loss vs Frequency
• PA Driver Amplifier
• Cellular, PCS, GSM, UMTS
• IF Amplifier
• Wireless Data, Satellite Terminals
Frequency (GHz)
S y m b o l
P a ra m e te r
S m a ll S ig na l G a in
U n its
F re q u e n c y
M in .
T y p .
M a x .
8 5 0 M H z
1 9 5 0 M H z
1 3 .3
1 2 .7
1 4 .8
1 4 .2
1 6 .3
1 5 .7
d B
8 5 0 M H z
1 9 5 0 M H z
1 9 .1
1 9 .0
O utp ut P o w e r a t 1 d B C o m p re s s io n
O utp ut T h ird O rd e r Inte rc e p t P o int
d B m
d B m
d B m
1 d B
1 7 .5
3 1 .5
8 5 0 M H z
1 9 5 0 M H z
3 6 .5
3 3 .5
O IP 3
O utp ut P o w e r @ -4 5 d B c A C P IS -9 5
9 F o rw a rd C ha n ne ls
1 9 5 0 M H z
1 2 .3
B a nd w id th
D e te rm in e d b y R e tu rn L o s s (> 1 0 d B )
Inp ut R e turn L o s s
M H z
d B
d B
d B
5 0 0 0
2 1 .0
2 0 .5
4 .8
1 9 5 0 M H z
1 9 5 0 M H z
1 9 5 0 M H z
1 4 .0
1 4 .0
O utp ut R e turn L o s s
N o is e F ig ure
5 .8
5 .4
8 8
D e vic e O p e ra ting V o lta g e
4 .6
7 2
5 .0
D e vic e O p e ra ting C urre nt
m A
8 0
T he rm a l R e s is ta nc e (junc tio n to le a d )
°C /W
1 0 2
R T H , j-l
VS = 8 V
RBIAS = 39 Ohms
ID = 80 mA Typ.
TL = 25ºC
OIP3 Tone Spacing = 1 MHz, Pout per tone = 0 dBm
ZS = ZL = 50 Ohms
Test Conditions:
Performance tests and ratings for Sirenza Microdevices’ products were performed internally by Sirenza and measured using specific computer systems and/or and components and reflect the approximate
performance of the products as measured by those tests. Any difference in circuit implementation, test software or test equipment may affect actual performance. The information provided herein is believed to
be reliable at press time and Sirenza Microdevices assumes no responsibility for the use of this information. All such use shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications for Sirenza
Microdevices’ products are subject to change without notice. Buyers should consult Sirenza Microdevices’ standard terms and conditions of sale for Sirenza’s limited warranty with regard to its products. No
patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. Sirenza Microdevices does not authorize or warrant any product for use in life-support devices and/or
303 South Technology Ct., Broomfield, CO 80021
Phone: (800) SMI-MMIC
EDS -102821 Rev. D