XC18V00 Series of In-System
Programmable Configuration
DS026 (v3.5) June 14, 2002
Product Specification
Dual configuration modes
Serial Slow/Fast configuration (up to 33 MHz)
Parallel (up to 264 Mb/s at 33 MHz)
In-system programmable 3.3V PROMs for
configuration of Xilinx FPGAs
Endurance of 20,000 program/erase cycles
5V tolerant I/O pins accept 5V, 3.3V and 2.5V signals
3.3V or 2.5V output capability
Program/erase over full commercial/industrial
voltage and temperature range
Available in PC20, SO20, PC44 and VQ44 packages
IEEE Std 1149.1 boundary-scan (JTAG) support
Simple interface to the FPGA
Design support using the Xilinx Alliance and
Foundation series software packages.
Cascadable for storing longer or multiple bitstreams
Low-power advanced CMOS FLASH process
JTAG command initiation of standard FPGA
Xilinx introduces the XC18V00 series of in-system program-
mable configuration PROMs (Figure 1). Initial devices in this
3.3V family are a 4-megabit, a 2-megabit, a 1-megabit, a
When the FPGA is in Master-SelectMAP mode, the FPGA
generates a configuration clock that drives the PROM.
When the FPGA is in Slave-Parallel or Slave-SelectMAP
Mode, an external oscillator generates the configuration
clock that drives the PROM and the FPGA. After CE and OE
are enabled, data is available on the PROMs DATA (D0-D7)
pins. New data is available a short access time after each
rising clock edge. The data is clocked into the FPGA on the
following rising edge of the CCLK. Neither Slave-Parallel
nor SelectMAP utilize a Length Count, so a free-running
oscillator can be used in the Slave-Parallel or Slave-
SelecMAP modes.
512-Kbit, and
256-Kbit PROM that provide an
easy-to-use, cost-effective method for re-programming and
storing large Xilinx FPGA or CPLD configuration bitstreams.
When the FPGA is in Master Serial mode, it generates a
configuration clock that drives the PROM. A short access
time after CE and OE are enabled, data is available on the
PROM DATA (D0) pin that is connected to the FPGA DIN
pin. New data is available a short access time after each ris-
ing clock edge. The FPGA generates the appropriate num-
ber of clock pulses to complete the configuration. When the
FPGA is in Slave Serial mode, the PROM and the FPGA are
clocked by an external clock.
Multiple devices can be concatenated by using the CEO
output to drive the CE input of the following device. The
clock inputs and the DATA outputs of all PROMs in this
chain are interconnected. All devices are compatible and
can be cascaded with other members of the family or with
the XC17V00 one-time programmable Serial PROM family.
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DS026 (v3.5) June 14, 2002
Product Specification