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MicroAmp MB-10 Circuit Board

MB-10 数据手册

MicroAmp MB-10 Circuit Board  
For 5-pin SOT-23 Operational Amplifiers  
F E A T U R E S  
• Fits standard 5-pin SOT-23  
op-amp packages  
• Inverꢀng or non-inverꢀng configuraꢀon  
• Opꢀonal DC blocks on input and output  
• Uses standard 0603 passives  
• RO-4350 board material  
• Fits MicroAmp MH-series housings  
The MicroAmp MB-10 circuit board is designed for rapid prototyping of operaꢀonal amplifier circuits using popular 5-pin SOT-23  
packages with the output on pin 1, non-inverꢀng input on pin 3, and the inverꢀng input on pin 4. It can be configured as an inverꢀng  
or non-inverꢀng topology with selectable input and feedback resistors and has a parallel feedback capacitor for filtering or compensa-  
ꢀon. This board will fit the MicroAmp MH series of connectorized housings that allow it to be used as a single amplifier stage or  
cascaded with other MicroAmp boards for added versaꢀlity. Boards are fabricated from a high-performance 13 mil thick RO-4350  
laminate with RoHS compaꢀble ENIG plaꢀng (electroless nickel/immersion gold) on both the component side and the solid boꢁom  
ground plane. The board measures 0.490" x 0.590" and mounts into the housing with four #1-72 screws. Amplifier circuits can be  
easily designed and assembled with standard 0603 surface-mount passive components. It includes provisions for input and output DC  
blocking capacitors, or these can be replaced with zero-ohm jumpers for DC operaꢀon. Pads for the input/output connectors allow  
the SMA center pins to be easily soldered to the board aꢂer it is installed into the housing, as well as large pads to connect the bias  
voltages to feed-throughs. Separate bias pads are provided for single and dual bias configuraꢀons. Use cauꢀon on the bias polarity  
depending upon the specific op-amp being used.  
R E F S I Z E F U N C T I O N  
C1 0606  
C2 0603  
C3 0603  
C4 0603  
C5 0603  
R1 0603  
R2 0603  
R3 0603  
R4 0603  
R5 0603  
Block or jumper (not labeled)  
Block or jumper (not labeled)  
Bias bypass  
Bias bypass  
Inverꢀng feedback  
Inverꢀng feedback gain  
Input gain  
Input divider  
Input divider  
Feedback gain  
U1 SOT-23 Op-Amp  
Signal input  
Signal output (pin 1)  
Bias or ground (pin 2)  
Bias or ground (pin 5)  
For additional product information, please visit www.twinind.com  
Contact information: 925-866-8946 (phone) 925-866-8937 (fax) Sales@twinind.com  


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