Quad 8-Bit Multiplying CMOS
D/A Converter with Memory
Logic Diagram
own reference input, feedback resistor, and onboard data
latches that feature read/write capability. The readback func-
tion serves as memory for those systems requiring self-diag-
RAD-PAK® patented shielding against natural
space radiation
Total dose hardness:
A common 8-bit TTL/CMOS compatible input port is used to
load data into any of the four DAC data-latches. Control lines
DS1, DS2 and A/B determine which DAC will accept data.
Data loading is similar to that of a RAMs write cycle. Data can
be read back onto the same bus with control line R/W. The
8408 is a bus compatible with most 8-bit microprocessors,
including the 6800, 8080, 8085, and Z80. The 8408 operates
on a single +5 volt supply and dissipates less than 20 mW.
The 8408 is manufactured using highly stable, thin-film resis-
tors on an advanced oxide-isolated, silicon-gate, CMOS pro-
cess. The improved latch-up resistant design eliminates the
need for external protective Schottky diodes.
- equal to 100 krad (Si), depending upon orbit
and space mission
- 28 pin RAD-PAK® Flat Pack
Single Supply Ooperation (+5V)
Four 8 Bit DACs in one 28 Pin Package
D/As Matched to within 1%
TTL/CMOS Compatable
Four-Quadrant Multiplication
Maxwell Technologies' patented RAD-PAK® packaging technol-
ogy incorporates radiation shielding in the microcircuit pack-
age. It eliminates the need for box shielding while providing
the required radiation shielding for a lifetime in orbit or space
mission. In a GEO orbit, RAD-PAK provides greater than 100
krad (Si) radiation dose tolerance. This product is available
with screening up to Class S.
Maxwell Technologies’ 8408 is a monolithic quad 8-bit multi-
plying digital-to-analog CMOS converter. Each DAC has its
08.20.02 REV 1
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