(8K x 16-Bit) Dual Port RAM
High-Speed CMOS
Logic Diagram
8K x 16-bit dual port RAM
- Stand Alone
- Master Slave
RAD-PAK® radiation-hardened against natural space
Maxwell Technologies’ 7025E Dual Port RAM High Speed
CMOS® microcircuit features a greater than 100 krad (Si) total
dose tolerance, depending upon space mission. The 7025E is
designed to be used as a stand-alone 128k-bit Dual Port RAM
or as a combination MASTER/SLAVE Dual-Port RAM for 32-
bit or more word systems. This design results in full-speed,
error-free operation without the need for additional discrete
logic. The 7025E provides two independent ports with sepa-
rate control, address, and I/O pins that permit independent,
asynchronous access for reads or writes to any location in
memory. An automatic power down feature controlled by CS
permits the on-chip circuitry of each port to enter a very low
standby power mode.
Total dose hardness:
- > 100 krad (Si), depending upon space mission
Excellent Single Event Effects:
-SELTH LET = >100 MeV/mg/cm2
-SEUTH LET = 7 MeV/mg/cm2
-84 Pin RAD-PAK® quad flat pack
Separate upper byte and lower byte control for multiplexed
bus compatibility
High speed access time: 35/45 ns
Expandable to 32 bits or more using master/slave select
when cascading
High speed CMOS technology
-TTL compatible, single 5V power supply
-Interrupt flag for port-to-port communication
-On chip port arbitration logic
-Asynchronous operation from either port
Maxwell Technologies' patented RAD-PAK® packaging technol-
ogy incorporates radiation shielding in the microcircuit pack-
age. It eliminates the need for box shielding while providing
the required radiation shielding for a lifetime in orbit or space
mission. In a GEO orbit, RAD-PAK provides greater than 100
krad (Si) radiation dose tolerance. This product is available
with screening up to Class S.
08.15.02 Rev 2
All data sheets are subject to change without notice
(619) 503-3300- Fax: (619) 503-3301- www.maxwell.com
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