Data Sheet
µP Supervisor Circuits
• Precision supply-voltage monitor
- 4.63V (STC706L/705, 813L, 708L/707)
- 4.38V (STC706M/706, 813M, 708M/708)
- 3.08V (STC706T, 813T, 708T)
The STC706X/813X/708X family microprocessor
(µP) supervisory circuits are targeted to improve
reliability and accuracy of power-supply circuitry in
µP systems. These devices reduce the complexity and
number of components required to monitor power-
supply and battery functions.
- 2.93V (STC706S, 813S, 708S)
- 2.63V (STC706R, 813R/706P, 708R)
- 2.32V (STC706Z, 813Z, 708Z)
- 2.20V (STC706Y, 813Y, 708Y)
The main functions are:
• 200ms reset pulse width
1. Asserting reset output during power-µp, power-
down and brownout conditions for µP system;
2. Detecting power failure or low-battery conditions
with a 1.25V threshold detector;
• Debounced TTL/CMOS-compatible manual-
reset input
• Independent watchdog timer 1.6sec time-out (not
available for STC707/708/708T/708S/R/Z/Y)
• Reset output signal:
3. Watchdog functions (not for STC708x).
- Active-low only (STC705/706/706T/S/R/Z/Y)
- Active-high only (STC813L/M/T/S/R/706P)
- Active-high and active-low (707/708/708T/S/R)
• Voltage monitor for power-fail or low battery warning
• Guaranteed RESET/RESET valid at VCC = 1.2V
• Power-supply circuitry in µP systems