32-bit Single Chip Microcontroller
● High-speed 32-bit RISC Core
● Built-in LCD Controller
● Built-in SDRAM Controller
● Multiply Accumulation
● 10-bit ADC
● Built-in 8K-byte RAM
The S1C33L03 is a CMOS 32-bit microcontroller composed of a CMOS 32-bit RISC core, RAM, DMA, timers, SIO, PLL,
LCD controller, SDRAM controller and other circuits. The S1C33L03 can be operated with high speed and spend little current.
With the ADC, PWM and the MAC function, the S1C33L03 is suitable for voice applications and PDAs.
●CMOS LSI 32-bit parallel processing S1C33000 RISC core
●Main clock
●Sub clock
50MHz (Max., up to 12.5MHz external clock input)
32.768kHz (Typ., crystal)
●Instruction set
16-bit fixed length, 105 instructions
(MAC instruction is included, 2 cycles)
●Internal RAM size
●LCD controller
8,192 bytes
DMA type
4/8-bit monochrome LCD interface
1, 2 or 4 bits/pixel; 2, 4, or 16-level gray-scale display
●SDRAM controller
Supports 1M × 16-bit to 16M × 16-bit SDRAMs
Capable of access either in 8 or 16 bits
Capable of burst reads and single writes
●Clock timer
1 channel
●Programmable timer
●Watchdog timer
●PWM timer
8 bits × 6 channels and 16 bits × 6 channels
Realized with a 16-bit programmable timer
Realized with a 16-bit programmable timer
4 channels
●Serial interface
Clock synchronization type and asynchronization type are selectable.
Usable as an infrared ray (IrDA) interface.
Successive approximation type, 8 input channels
4 channels
128 channels
Input port : 13 bits
I/O port : 29 bits
●10-bit A/D converter
●High-speed DMA
●Intelligent DMA
●I/O port
●Interrupt controller
External interrupts : 10 types
Internal interrupts: 29 types
●External bus interface
24-bit address bus, 16-bit data bus, 7 chip enable pins
DRAM, SDRAM and burst ROM may be connected directly.
●Shipping form
●Supply voltage
Core voltage : 1.8 to 3.6V
I/O voltage : 1.8 to 5.5V
●Current consumption
HALT state : 100mW (3.3V, 50MHz Typ.)
RUN state : 200mW (3.3V, 50MHz Typ.)