BELLING (上海贝岭) 更新时间:2024-04-09 19:03:26
上海贝岭股份有限公司前身是上海贝岭微电子制造有限公司,1988年由上海市仪表局、上海贝尔公司合资设立,是国内集成电路行业的首家中外合资企业,也是国家改革开放初期成功吸引外资和引进国外先进技术的标志性企业。1998年9月公司改制上市,是国内集成电路行业首家上市公司。1999年,华虹集团成为公司控股股东。2009年,中国电子信息产业集团有限公司(CEC)成为公司控股股东。2015年7月,华大半导体成为上海贝岭控股股东,公司实际控制人仍为CEC。 上海贝岭地处漕河泾新兴技术开发区,1999年起成为国家级企业技术中心。公司专注于集成电路芯片设计和产品应用开发,是国内集成电路产品主要供应商之一。公司集成电路产品业务布局在功率链(电源管理、功率器件、电机驱动业务)和信号链(数据转换器、电力专用芯片、物联网前端、非挥发存储器、标准信号产品业务),主要目标市场为汽车电子、工控、光伏、储能、能效监测、电力设备、光通讯、家电、短距离交通工具、高端及便携式医疗设备,以及手机摄像头模组等其它消费类应用市场。
型号 | 品牌 | 价格 | 文档 | 应用 | 描述 | |
BLG30T65FDK | BELLING | 获取价格 | 双极性晶体管功率因数校正 | BLG30T65FDK is obtained by advanced Trench Field Stop (T-FS) technology which is character | ||
BLQC16N120 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLQC16N120 is an N-channel enhancement type planar MOSFET, with the revolutionary semicond | |||
BLM80P04 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM80P04 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLM17N04 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM17N04 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLC16N120 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLC16N120 is an N-channel enhancement type planar MOSFET, with the revolutionary semicondu | |||
BLM11N15 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM11N15 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLM075N03 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM075N03 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLM8205E | BELLING | 获取价格 | 电池 | The BLM8205E uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent and RDS(ON), low gate ch | ||
BL1521 | BELLING | 获取价格 | The BL1521 is an 8-Channel Analog Multiplexer | |||
BLQM07N06 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLQM07N06,lv,低压、mos | |||
BLM10N20 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM10N20 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLM40P10 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM40P10 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLQC40N120 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLQC40N120 is an N-channel enhancement type planar MOSFET, with the revolutionary semicond | |||
BL8812B | BELLING | 获取价格 | 驱动高压功率控制 | BL8812B是一款满足六级能效标准的原边反馈小功率控制芯片。内部集成了650V/2A的高 | ||
BL5617 | BELLING | 获取价格 | The BL5617 is one channel H-Bridge driver IC, it provides integrated motor-driver solution | |||
BLM30N20 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM30N20 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLM40P04 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM40P04 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLG30T65FDL | BELLING | 获取价格 | 双极性晶体管功率因数校正 | BLG30T65FDL is obtained by advanced Trench Field Stop (T-FS) technology which is character | ||
BLM2303 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM2303 uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), low gate charge. It | |||
BLQM10P03 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLQM10P03 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BL1522 | BELLING | 获取价格 | ? Wide Power Supply Range: 2.5V to 5.5V ? On- | |||
BLM22N20 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM22N20 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLM04N03 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM04N03 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BL3090 | BELLING | 获取价格 | 通信驱动驱动器 | BL3090是一款用于RS-485/RS-422通信的全双工收发器,芯片内部包含一路驱动器 | ||
BLM07N20 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM07N20 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLQM08N06 | BELLING | 获取价格 | 栅 | BLQM08N06是一款60V 80A trench NMOS,采用先进的沟槽技术,具有低 | ||
BLQC75N120 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLQC75N120 is an N-channel enhancement type planar MOSFET, with the revolutionary semicond | |||
BLM30DN06L | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM30DN06L uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with lo | |||
BLM90N10L | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM90N10L uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low | |||
BLM06N15 | BELLING | 获取价格 | BLM06N15 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low |
BELLING (上海贝岭) 经销商与分销商
公司名称 | 类型 | 国家 | 官网 | 地址 |
深圳市思之宏电子科技有限公司 | 经销商 | 中国 | | 深圳市龙岗区平湖街道华宝路100号宏电大厦 A 座 |
深圳彤辉科技有限公司 | 经销商 | 中国 | | 深圳市龙华区龙华街道三联社区创业路汇海广场B座1501-1502 |
深圳淇诺科技有限公司 | 经销商 | 中国 | | 广东省深圳市南山区科技中一路华强高新发展大楼6楼 |
帕太国际贸易(上海)有限公司 | 经销商 | 中国 | | 中国(上海)浦东新区世纪大道1196号世纪汇办公楼二座21层01-02室 |
深圳市海富利电子有限公司 | 经销商 | 中国 | | 深圳市南山区创业路怡海广场东座1901-1908 |
深圳市沛城电子科技股份有限公司 | 经销商 | 中国 | | 广东省深圳市南山区科技园北区松坪山路3号奥特迅电力大厦三层 |
深圳中电港技术股份有限公司 | 经销商 | 中国 | | 深圳市南山区桃源街道留仙大道3333号塘朗城广场(西区)A座23层 |
BELLING (上海贝岭) 热门型号