Platon Automatic Flow
No power required
Adjustable over wide range
High accuracy
Fast response
Gases or liquids
Suitable for use on flammable liquids
FLOSTATS from Roxspur Measurement & Control are automaꢀc flow control devices for liquids or gases. Once adjusted to the required
value, flow is maintained accurately at this rate independent of pressure fluctuaꢀons in the supply or varying backpressures down-
stream of the meter. No electrical power or external flow measurement input is required – the Flostat control system uses the line pres-
sure available.
FLOSTATS are ideal for blending or dosing applicaꢀons to maintain the required delivery of valuable gases or liquids, despite process line
-pressure changes. Similarly, FLOSTATS are ideal for use on gas sampling, purging or inert gas blankeꢀng systems to maintain flow rate
independent of back pressure. Bubbler type liquid level measurement systems benefit from improved accuracy and lower gas usage
when fiꢁed with a FLOSTAT. To assist in seꢂng the correct flow rate, the Flostat type MN is frequently installed in line with a Platon
type GU, NGI, LGI, NGIX, or LGIX variable area flowmeter.
The control valve varies the size of the orifice A. Flow through this orifice produces a pressure difference. P1- P2 which acts across the
diaphragm B.This is opposed by the force from the spring C. The diaphragm modulates the flow from the Flostat discharge port, main-
taining the internal pressure drop P1-P2 constant and equal to the spring force. This produces a constant flowrate, determined by the
orifice size set by the valve.
For liquids, the Flostat (Type MNA) will maintain a constant flowrate irrespecꢀve of any pressure changes whether up or downstream.
For gases, the Flostat can compensate for pressure variaꢀons only on one side of the unit, because gas compressibility affects the orifice
calibraꢀon. Type MNA units give a constant flow when the supply pressure is relaꢀvely constant - these units compensate for variaꢀons
in discharge or downstream back pressure. Type MNB units are used to maintain constant flow when the supply pressure is varying, but
where discharge pressure is relaꢀvely constant (eg discharge to atmosphere).
General Note
TT Electronics | Roxspur Measurement & Control Ltd
2 Downgate Drive, Sheffield, S4 8BT, England |Ph: +44(0)114 244 2521
TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specificaꢀon without
noꢀce or liability. All informaꢀon is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is |
considered accurate at ꢀme of going to print.
Issue B 7/2017 Page 1
© TT Electronics plc