XStream -PKG
RF Modems
100 mW/900 MHz or 50 mW/2.4 GHz Stand-Alone Radio Modems
900 MHz and 2.4 GHz stand-alone RF modems provide
outstanding range (up to 20 miles) in a low-cost wireless
Application Highlight
Digi’s XStream-PKG RF modems can be configured in minutes
to provide low-cost serial cable replacement between all types
of electronic devices. Available in 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz
models, XStream-PKG modems provide transmission ranges of
up to 20 miles in a low-cost wireless solution. The modems are
coupled with a DIP-switchable RS-232/422/485 interface board
and regularly outperform more expensive RF modems.
Innovations stamped in their design enable XStream-PKG
modems to yield two- to eight-times the range of competing
modems. This allows OEMs and integrators to cover more
ground with fewer devices. Additionally, XStream-PKG
modems are easy to use, thereby reducing the complexity of
data system development.
Available in a variety of data interface options, including
RS-232/422/485 serial, USB and telephone, XStream-PKG
modems can wirelessly connect a variety of devices across many
applications including remote monitoring, building automation/
security, industrial automation/SCADA, fleet management/asset
tracking and sensor data capture in embedded systems.
•ꢀ Indoor/Urbanꢀrangeꢀupꢀtoꢀ1500ꢀfeetꢀ
•ꢀ Outdoorꢀline-of-sightꢀrangeꢀupꢀtoꢀ20ꢀmilesꢀ
•ꢀ 7ꢀfrequencyꢀhoppingꢀchannels,ꢀeachꢀwithꢀ65Kꢀ
•ꢀ Outstandingꢀreceiverꢀsensitivityꢀ(-110ꢀdBꢀ@9600ꢀbps)ꢀ
•ꢀ Lowꢀpowerꢀconsumptionꢀforꢀpower-sensitiveꢀapplications
-ꢀ Pin,ꢀserialꢀportꢀandꢀcyclicꢀsleepꢀmodesꢀavailable
•ꢀ Performsꢀretriesꢀandꢀacknowledgmentsꢀforꢀreliableꢀꢀ
•ꢀ Easyꢀout-of-the-boxꢀoperationꢀ—ꢀnoꢀconfigurationꢀꢀ
•ꢀ Durableꢀindustrialꢀgradeꢀenclosure