Regulating Pulse Width Modulators
8 to 35V Operation
The UC1525A/1527A series of pulse width modulator integrated circuits are de-
signed to offer improved performance and lowered external parts count when used
in designing all types of switching power supplies. The on-chip +5.1V reference is
trimmed to ±1% and the input common-mode range of the error amplifier includes
the reference voltage, eliminating external resistors. A sync input to the oscillator
allows multiple units to be slaved or a single unit to be synchronized to an external
system clock. A single resistor between the CT and the discharge terminals pro-
vides a wide range of dead-time adjustment. These devices also feature built-in
soft-start circuitry with only an external timing capacitor required. A shutdown termi-
nal controls both the soft-start circuitry and the output stages, providing instantane-
ous turn off through the PWM latch with pulsed shutdown, as well as soft-start
recycle with longer shutdown commands. These functions are also controlled by
an undervoltage lockout which keeps the outputs off and the soft-start capacitor
discharged for sub-normal input voltages. This lockout circuitry includes approxi-
mately 500mV of hysteresis for jitter-free operation. Another feature of these PWM
circuits is a latch following the comparator. Once a PWM pulse has been termi-
nated for any reason, the outputs will remain off for the duration of the period. The
latch is reset with each clock pulse. The output stages are totem-pole designs ca-
pable of sourcing or sinking in excess of 200mA. The UC1525A output stage fea-
tures NOR logic, giving a LOW output for an OFF state. The UC1527A utilizes OR
logic which results in a HIGH output level when OFF.
5.1V Reference Trimmed to
100Hz to 500kHz Oscillator
Separate Oscillator Sync
Adjustable Deadtime Control
Internal Soft-Start
Pulse-by-Pulse Shutdown
Input Undervoltage Lockout
with Hysteresis
Latching PWM to Prevent
Multiple Pulses
Dual Source/Sink Output
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