TMPR4955AF-200 (TX4955A)
The TMPR4955AF is a 64-bit RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) microprocessor that is a low-
cost, low-power microprocessor developed for interactive consumer applications including set-top
terminals, LBP(Laser Beam Printer), and video games.
True 64-bit microprocessor, with TX49/H2 core.
Optimized 5-stage pipeline
32-bit System Address/Data bus
Single or double-precision Floating-Point Operation
32-bit physical address space and 64-bit virtual address space.
32-bit SysAD bus interface with R4000/R4400/R5000 or TX4300 compatible protcol
On-chip 32-Kbyte Instruction Cache and 32-Kbyte Data Cache.
Low power consumption
3.3 /1.5V Dual power supply (I/O:3.3V,Internal:1.5V)
Reduced power mode (Halt)
Data cache prefetching
Memory management unit
contains 48-double entry JTLB, 2-entry Instruction TLB, and 4-entry Data TLB
Software compatibility with all MIPS processors
MIPS I, II, and III Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
EJTAG (Enhanced JTAG) debug support
Maximum operating frequency
Internal:200MHz External:100MHz
Package : 160-pin QFP
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