4-bit Single Chip Microcomputer
Original Architecture Core CPU
Low Current Consumption
High Speed Operation in Low Voltage
The S1C63616 is a microcomputer which has a 4-bit CPU S1C63000 as the core CPU, ROM (16,384 words ×
13 bits), RAM (2,048 words × 4 bits), multiply-divide circuit, serial interface, watchdog timer, programmable
timer, time base counters (2 systems), a dot matrix LCD driver that can drive a maximum 1,280 dots of LCD
panel, and an R/f converter that can measure temperature and humidity using sensors such as a thermistor.
The S1C63616 features low current consumption, this makes it suitable for battery driven clocks and watches
with temperature and humidity measurement functions.
OSC1 oscillation circuit
OSC3 oscillation circuit
Instruction set
32.768 kHz (Typ.) crystal oscillation circuit
4.2 MHz (Max.) ceramic or 1.8 MHz (Typ.) CR oscillation circuit (*1)
Basic instruction: 47 types (411 instructions with all)Addressing mode: 8 types
During operation at 32.768 kHz:61 μsec 122 μsec 183 μsec
Instruction execution time
During operation at 4 MHz:
0.5 μsec 1 μsec
1.5 μsec
ROM capacity
RAM capacity
I/O port
Code ROM:
Data ROM:
16,384 words × 13 bits
2,048 words × 4 bits
2,048 words × 4 bits
2,048 bits
Data memory:
Display memory:
16 bits (pull-down resistors may be incorporated*1
Shared with 4 serial I/F I/O pins, 4 R/f converter I/O pins,
and 3 special output pins *2)
Serial interface
LCD driver
1 port (8-bit clock synchronous system)
40 segments × 32 commons, 48 segments × 24 commons,
or 56 segments × 16 commons (*2)
Clock timer
Stopwatch timer (1/1000 sec, with direct key input function)
16-bit timer × 4 ch.
Time base counter
Programmable timer
(each 16-bit timer is configurable to two 8-bit timer channels *2)
With envelope and 1-shot output functions
2 ch., CR oscillation type, 20-bit counter
Supports resistive humidity sensors
8-bit accumulator × 1 ch.
Watchdog timer
Sound generator
R/f converter
Multiply-divide circuit
Multiplication: 8 bits × 8 bits -> 16-bit product
Division: 16 bits ÷ 8 bits -> 8-bit quotient and 8-bit remainder
Programmable 16 detection voltage levels (*2)
Key input interrupt: 8 systems
Supply voltage detection (SVD) circuit
External interrupt
Internal interrupt
Clock timer interrupt:
Stopwatch timer interrupt:
Programmable timer interrupt:
Serial interface interrupt:
R/f converter interrupt:
1.6 to 5.5 V
8 systems
4 systems
16 systems
1 system
3 systems
Power supply voltage
Operating temperature range
Current consumption (Typ.)
-40 to 85°C
During SLEEP (32 kHz)
During HALT (32 kHz)
During running (32 kHz)
During running (4 MHz)
TQFP15-128pin or die form
0.08 μA
0.6 μA
2.5 μA
320 μA
Shipment form
*1: Can be selected with mask option
*2: Can be selected with software