Plastic Infrared Emitting Diode
OP290 Series
Obsolete [OP291 (B, C), OP292 (B, C), OP293C, OP295C,
OP296C, OP297 (B, C), OP298 (AB, AC, AD)]
• Choice of narrow or wide irradiance paꢁern
• Choice of power ranges
• Choice of T-1¾, TO-18 or TO-46 package
• Higher power output than GaAs at equivalent LEDs
Each device in this series, is a gallium aluminum arsenide infrared Light Emiꢂng Diode (LED) that is molded in an IR-
transmissive package with a wavelength centered at 890 nm, which closely matches the spectral response of silicon
phototransistors, except for OP298AA, which has an 875 nm center wavelength. For idenꢀficaꢀon purposes, each LED
anode lead is longer than the cathode lead. Package T-1¾ devices include: OP290 (A, B, C), OP291A, OP292A, OP294 (A, B,
C), OP295 (A, B), OP296 (A, B), OP297A, OP299 (A, B, C) and OP297FAB, Plasꢀc Package TO-18 or TO-46 devices include:
OP293 (A, B) and OP298 (A, B, C, AA).
The OP290 series forward current is specified under pulse condiꢀons up to 1.5 amps, the OP291A forward current is
specified under pulse condiꢀons up to 100 milliamps and the OP292A forward current is specified under pulse condiꢀons up
to 1 amp. The Cathode Lead length is 0.06” (1.52 mm) shorter than the Anode Lead. The silver-copper lead frame offers
excellent thermal characterisꢀcs.
The OP293 (A, B) have an included emission angle of 60° while the OP298 (A, B, C) have an included emission angle of 25°.
The Cathode Lead length is 0.06” (1.52 mm) shorter than the Anode Lead. These devices, which come in a variety of power
ranges offering a low cost replacement for TO-18 or TO-46 hermeꢀc packages.
The OP298AA is a high irradiance output version with an included emission angle of 25°. The Cathode Lead length is
0.06” (1.52 mm) shorter than the Anode Lead. These devices, which come in a variety of power ranges offering a low cost
replacement for TO-18 or TO-46 hermeꢀc packages.
OP294 and OP299 are designed for low-current or power-limited applicaꢀons, such as baꢁery supplies. They are similar to
the OP290 and OP295, but use a smaller chip that increases output efficiency at low current levels by increasing current
density. Light output can be maximized with conꢀnuous (D.C.) forward current up to 100 mA or with pulsed forward current
up to 750 mA. The Cathode Lead length is 0.06” (1.52 mm) shorter than the Anode Lead.
The OP295 (A, B) forward current is specified under pulse condiꢀons up to 5 amps, the OP296 (A, B) forward current is
specified under pulse condiꢀons up to 2 amps and the OP297A forward current is specified under pulse condiꢀons up to 1
amp. The Cathode Lead length is 0.06” (1.52 mm) shorter than the Anode Lead. The OP297FAB has a reversed polarity from
the OP297A. The silver-copper lead frame offers excellent thermal characterisꢀcs.
All of these devices are spectrally and mechanically matched to the OP593 and OP598 series phototransistors.
Please refer to Applicaꢀon Bulleꢀns 208 and 210 for addiꢀonal design informaꢀon and reliability (degradaꢀon) data.
• Non-contact reflecꢀve object sensor
• Assembly line automaꢀon
• Machine automaꢀon
• Machine safety
• End of travel sensor
• Door sensor
• Baꢁery-operated applicaꢀons
General Note
TT Electronics | OPTEK Technology
2900 E. Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX 75074 | Ph: +1 972 323 2200
TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specificaꢀon without
noꢀce or liability. All informaꢀon is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is
considered accurate at ꢀme of going to print.
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