Industrial, Channel-Channel Isolated,
32-Bit Counter/Timers
NI 6624
• 8 counter/timers with 26
Operating Systems
channel-channel isolated inputs and
8 channel-channel isolated outputs
• 400 kHz maximum frequency with
48 VDC voltage range on inputs
and outputs
• Reverse and overvoltage protection
( 60 V max continuous), and
transient overvoltage input protection
( 400 V peak)
• Windows 2000/NT/XP
• Real-Time performance
with LabVIEW
Recommended Software
• LabWindows/CVI
• Measurement Studio
Other Compatible Software
• C, C++
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
• Short-circuit protection on outputs
with automatic recovery
• Superior features for automotive
test, industrial monitoring and
control applications
• NI-DAQmx software for highest
productivity and performance
Measurement Services
Software (included)
• NI-DAQmx 7.1 (7.2 for PXI-6624)
or higher
Max Source
20 MHz
50 ppm
Buffered Operations
5 V Logic Thresholds
Digital I/O
NI 6624 PCI, PXI
32 bits
Channel to Channel
No limit
Table 1. NI 6624 Specifications Overview
Overview and Applications
signal quality and protects computer circuitry. NI 6624 devices provide
National Instruments 6624 devices are industrial isolated timing channel-channel isolation where every channel is physically and electrically
interfaces for PCI and PXI/Compact PCI bus systems. You can use the separated from the others, which breaks ground loops, improves common-
eight 32-bit channel-channel optically isolated counter/timers of an mode voltage and noise rejection, and permits the two parts of the circuit
NI 6624 device to perform a wide variety of buffered measurements or to be at different voltage levels. Many industrial applications require
other counter/timer tasks, including position or quadrature encoder isolation to protect the electronics from transient voltage spikes and
measurement, edge counting, period measurement, pulse-width provide greater common-mode noise rejection in electrically noisy
measurement, frequency measurement, semiperiod measurement, environments containing machinery and inductive loads.
2-edge separation measurement, pulse-width-modulation (PWM)
generation, pulse, and pulse-train generation.
Counter/Timers Based on NI-TIO ASIC
NI 6624 devices offer superior features and high value for NI 6624 devices are equipped with the NI-TIO ASIC, a National
automotive test, industrial monitoring and manufacturing test Instruments counter and digital I/O ASIC for advanced timing and
applications such as factory automation, embedded machine control, counting applications. Each NI 6624 features two NI-TIO ASICs to
and production line verification. NI 6624 devices have been designed provide a total of eight counter/timers. Each counter has a gate, auxiliary,
from top to bottom to incorporate the latest hardware technologies and source input, which can be controlled by external or internal signals.
and provide innovative features for applications requiring Each counter has one output that can be routed externally or to other
ease of use, high reliability, and performance. NI 6624 devices counters on the board. 20 MHz and 100 kHz timebases are available on
take advantage of the NI-DAQ software (version 7.2 or higher), each device for use with each counter/timer. A hardware trigger can be
which includes NI-DAQmx technology to speed up application used to start multiple counters simultaneously.
development with many helpful features such as the NI DAQ Assistant,
automatic code generation, and high-performance multithreaded Buffered Measurements
streaming technology.
NI 6624 devices use the National Instruments MITE bus interface
controller to implement bus-master DMA transfers. As a result, you
can perform high-speed, continuous operations such as buffered
position encoder measurement and buffered period measurement.
Connect Sensors Directly with Channel-Channel Isolation
Isolation is a form of built-in signal conditioning that provides several You can perform up to three simultaneous DMA transfers on an
advantages. Isolation provides an extended voltage range for direct NI 6624. You can use interrupts for additional simultaneous
connection to industrial sensors and actuators. Isolation also improves buffered transfers.