i.MX Applications Processor for Multimedia
i.MX535 Applications Processor
Enabling 1080p HD and cost-saving integration
in tablets and smart mobile devices
•ꢀ Multi-formatꢀ1080pꢀHDꢀvideoꢀdecoderꢀandꢀ
720p HD video encoder hardware engine
•ꢀ 24-bitꢀprimaryꢀdisplayꢀsupportꢀupꢀtoꢀ
WSXGA resolution
Target Applications
•ꢀ Tablets
•ꢀ Smartꢀmobileꢀdevices
•ꢀ Gamingꢀdevicesꢀandꢀconsoles
•ꢀ Smartꢀmonitors
The i.MX53 family of processors represents
our next generation of advanced multimedia
and power-efficient implementation of
the ARM® Cortex™-A8 core. With core
processing speeds up to 1.2 GHz,
•ꢀ 18-bitꢀsecondaryꢀdisplayꢀsupport
•ꢀ Analogꢀ720pꢀHDꢀcomponentꢀTVꢀoutput
•ꢀ High-qualityꢀhardwareꢀvideoꢀde-interlacingꢀ
•ꢀ Imageꢀandꢀvideoꢀresize,ꢀinversionꢀandꢀ
rotation hardware
•ꢀ Digitalꢀsignage
i.MX535 processors are optimized for both
performance and power to meet the demands
of high-end, advanced applications requiring
mobility and a long battery life. 1080p HD
video decode and HD video encode, two
dedicated graphics cores, multiple display
and connectivity options, and a high level of
integration make these processors ideal for
smart mobile devices.
•ꢀ Telehealth
•ꢀ Video-enabledꢀIPꢀphones
•ꢀ Alphaꢀblendingꢀandꢀcolorꢀspaceꢀconversion
•ꢀ Video/graphicsꢀcombinesꢀfourꢀplanesꢀandꢀ
hardware cursor
•ꢀ Ultra-fastꢀprocessingꢀandꢀhigh-
performance multimedia capabilities
•ꢀ Completeꢀhardwareꢀandꢀsoftwareꢀpackageꢀ
provided to enable faster time to market
and lower R&D investment
•ꢀ Displayꢀqualityꢀenhancementꢀincludesꢀcolorꢀ
correction, gamut mapping and gamma
•ꢀ Dedicatedꢀvideoꢀandꢀindependentꢀ
2D/3D graphics hardware acceleration
engines provides best-in-class
External Memory Interface
Software Flexibility
•ꢀ Upꢀtoꢀ2ꢀGBꢀLP-DDR2,ꢀLV-DDR2,ꢀDDR2ꢀ
Development on the i.MX535 is made easy
with a range of Freescale-provided board
support packages (BSPs) optimized for
multimedia performance and low-power
operation. BSPs are available for the following
operating systems:
performance for power
•ꢀ SLC/MLCꢀNANDꢀflash,ꢀ8/16-bit
•ꢀ IncreasedꢀcoreꢀspeedꢀimprovesꢀWebꢀ
browsing experience
Advanced Power Management
•ꢀ Multipleꢀindependentꢀpowerꢀdomains
•ꢀ Dynamicꢀvoltageꢀandꢀfrequencyꢀscaling
•ꢀ Upꢀtoꢀ2ꢀGBꢀexternalꢀmemoryꢀsupportꢀ
prepares your end device for cloud
computing applications and future OSs
and browsers
•ꢀ Android™
•ꢀ Windows® Embedded Compact 7
•ꢀ Linux®
•ꢀ High-SpeedꢀUSBꢀ2.0ꢀOTGꢀwithꢀPHY
•ꢀ High-SpeedꢀUSBꢀ2.0ꢀhostꢀwithꢀPHY
•ꢀ TwoꢀadditionalꢀHigh-SpeedꢀUSBꢀ2.0ꢀ
•ꢀ LP-DDR2,ꢀLV-DDR2,ꢀDDR2-800ꢀandꢀ
DDR3-800 SDRAM ready for greater
design flexibility
Tablets and Smart Mobile
i.MX535 applications processors balance
the performance, power consumption,
connectivity and multimedia capabilities
necessary to drive the latest consumer
products. These processors are ideal
for products that require advanced user
interfaces, sophisticated video processing,
multiple connectivity options and a high level
of system integration. These features are
the building blocks to power the next great
applications at an approachable price target.
•ꢀ Optimizedꢀforꢀlow-powerꢀoperationꢀtoꢀgiveꢀ
best performance for battery life
•ꢀ Smartlyꢀintegratedꢀi.MX53ꢀoffersꢀmoreꢀonꢀ
and SATA, reducing the need for external
components and passing on significant
BOM savings
•ꢀ IntegratedꢀLVDSꢀdisplayꢀinterface
•ꢀ Wideꢀarrayꢀofꢀserialꢀinterfaces,ꢀincludingꢀ
•ꢀ I2SꢀandꢀS/PDIFꢀaudioꢀinterfaces
•ꢀ 10/100ꢀEthernetꢀcontroller
•ꢀ SATAꢀcontrollerꢀandꢀPHYꢀupꢀtoꢀ1.5ꢀGbps
CPU Complex
•ꢀ Securityꢀcontroller,ꢀincludingꢀsecureꢀRAMꢀ
and security monitor
•ꢀ Upꢀtoꢀ1.2ꢀGHzꢀARMꢀCortex-A8
•ꢀ 32ꢀKBꢀinstructionꢀandꢀdataꢀcaches
•ꢀ Unifiedꢀ256ꢀKBꢀL2ꢀcache
•ꢀ Highꢀassuranceꢀboot,ꢀJTAGꢀcontrollerꢀandꢀ
real-time clock
•ꢀ NEONꢀSIMDꢀmediaꢀaccelerator
•ꢀ Vectorꢀfloatingꢀpointꢀcoprocessor
•ꢀ Cipherꢀandꢀrandomꢀnumberꢀgeneratorꢀ
•ꢀ Run-timeꢀintegrityꢀchecker
•ꢀ Universalꢀuniqueꢀidentification
•ꢀ Tamperꢀdetection
•ꢀ IndependentꢀOpenGL® ES 2.0 and