DS1702K 2-Wire Thermal Device
Evaluation Kit
Kit Instructions and Operating Procedures
Full-Featured Evaluation Kit for the DS1702K includes
testing software for the DS1621, DS1721, DS1624,
DS1629, DS75, and DS1775 devices. The DS1702K
is comprised of five separate and unique software kits:
the DS1721K.exe (works for both the DS1621 and
DS1721), DS1624K.exe, DS1629K.exe, and the
DS75K.exe. Each software package works through the
same 2-wire DS1702K board (included in the
DS1702K kit) with jumper selections. The DS75K is
completely software compatible with the DS1775
device requirements. However, the SOT23-5 (5-pin
socket) is not provided.
The 2-wire board as shown in Figure 1.0 allows the user to
test the functional capabilities of each device. The circuitry
allows the user to read the temperature, and to read and
write the appropriate registers of the socketed device.
Figure 1.0 2-Wire Board Block Diagram
Compatible with WindowsTM 95, Windows 98, and
Windows NT Operating Systems.
Complete read/write access to all registers within the
DS1621, DS1721, DS1624, DS1629, and DS75
Measures temperatures from the full range of the
devices -55°C to +125°C. Fahrenheit equivalent is
-67°F to +257°F.
Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature reading and
charting is provided for the DS75, DS1621, and
DS1721 devices.
The serial port selection can be changed by the user at
any time by changing the “Comm Port” number on the
“Select Preferences” form (see Figure 2.0). The “Select
Preferences” form resides under the “Preferences” menu.
The baud rate selection also resides on the “Select
Preferences” form.
1. Separate Programming Software on the CDROM
containing the DS1721K.exe, DS1624K.exe, DS1629K.exe
and the DS75K.exe “Setup.exe” Installers.
2. 87-1702K-000, 2-Wire Demo board.
Figure 2.0 COM Port Preferences
3. Demo Kit Documentation Provided on CDROM for
each software program.
4. DS9123 Universal Brick serial port device and cable.
To use the kit, you will also need:
1. An available Serial Port to connect the DS9123
Universal Brick modular data cable.
2. Finally, you will need to provide a +2.7V to +5V
regulated power supply with banana-jack leads.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft.
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