CY7C66013C, CY7C66113C
Full-Speed USB (12 Mbps) Peripheral
Controller with Integrated Hub
■ Improvedoutputdriverstoreduceelectromagneticinterference
■ Full-speed USB peripheral microcontroller with an integrated
USB hub
■ Operating voltage from 4.0V–5.5V DC
■ Operating temperature from 0°–70°C
❐ Well suited for USB compound devices such as a keyboard
hub function
■ CY7C66013C available in 48-pin SSOP (-PVXC) packages
■ 8-bit USB optimized microcontroller
❐ Harvard architecture
❐ 6 MHz external clock source
❐ 12 MHz internal CPU clock
❐ 48 MHz internal Hub clock
■ CY7C66113Cavailablein56-pinQFNor56-pinSSOP(-PVXC)
■ Industry standard programmer support
Functional Overview
■ Internal memory
❐ 256 bytes of RAM
❐ 8 KB of PROM
■ Integrated Master and Slave I2C compatible controller (100
The CY7C66013C and CY7C66113C are compound devices
with a full speed USB microcontroller in combination with a USB
hub. Each device is well suited for combination peripheral
functions with hubs such as a keyboard hub function. The 8-bit
one time programmable microcontroller with a 12 Mbps USB
Hub supports as many as four downstream ports.
kHz) enabled through General Purpose IO (GPIO) pins
■ Hardware assisted Parallel Interface (HAPI) for data transfer
to external devices
■ IO ports
The CY7C66013C features 29 GPIO pins to support USB and
other applications. The IO pins are grouped into four ports
(P0[7:0], P1[7:0], P2[7:0], P3[4:0]) where each port is configured
as inputs with internal pull ups, open drain outputs, or traditional
CMOS outputs. Ports 0 to 2 are rated at 8 mA per pin (typical)
sink current. Port 3 pins are rated at 12 mA per pin (typical) sink
current, which allows these pins to drive LEDs. Multiple GPIO
pins are connected together to drive a single output for more
drive current capacity. Additionally, each IO pin is used to
generate a GPIO interrupt to the microcontroller. All of the GPIO
interrupts all share the same “GPIO” interrupt vector.
❐ Three GPIO ports (Port 0 to 2) capable of sinking 8 mA per
pin (typical)
❐ An additional GPIO port (Port 3) capable of sinking 12 mA
per pin (typical) for high current requirements: LEDs
❐ Higher current drive achievable by connecting multiple GPIO
pins together to drive a common output
❐ Each GPIO port is configured as inputs with internal pull ups
or open drain outputs or traditional CMOS outputs
❐ A Digital to Analog Conversion (DAC) port with programma-
ble current sink outputs is available on the CY7C66113C de-
❐ Maskable interrupts on all IO pins
■ 12-bit free running timer with one microsecond clock ticks
■ Watchdog Timer (WDT)
The CY7C66113C has 31 GPIO pins (P0[7:0], P1[7:0], P2[7:0],
The CY7C66113C has an additional port P4[7:0] that features an
additional eight programmable sink current IO pins (DAC). Every
DAC pin includes an integrated 14-kΩ pull up resistor. When a
‘1’ is written to a DAC IO pin, the output current sink is disabled
and the output pin is driven HIGH by the internal pull up resistor.
When a ‘0’ is written to a DAC IO pin, the internal pull up is
disabled and the output pin provides the programmed amount of
sink current. A DAC IO pin is used as an input with an internal
pull up by writing a ‘1’ to the pin.
■ Internal Power-on Reset (POR)
■ USB Specification compliance
❐ Conforms to USB Specification, Version 1.1
❐ Conforms to USB HID Specification, Version 1.1
❐ Supports one or two device addresses with up to five user
configured endpoints
• Up to two 8-byte control endpoints
• Up to four 8-byte data endpoints
• Up to two 32-byte data endpoints
❐ Integrated USB transceivers
❐ Supports four downstream USB ports
❐ GPIO pins provide individual power control outputs for each
downstream USB port
❐ GPIO pins provide individual port over current inputs for each
downstream USB port
The sink current for each DAC IO pin is individually programmed
to one of sixteen values using dedicated Isink registers. DAC bits
DAC[1:0] is used as high current outputs with a programmable
sink current range of 3.2 to 16 mA (typical). DAC bits DAC[7:2]
have a programmable current sink range of 0.2 to 1.0 mA
(typical). Multiple DAC pins are connected together to drive a
single output that requires more sink current capacity. Each IO
pin is used to generate a DAC interrupt to the microcontroller.
Also, the interrupt polarity for each DAC IO pin is individually
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
Document Number: 38-08024 Rev. *C
198 Champion Court
San Jose, CA 95134-1709
Revised February 19, 2008
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