Quality Oriented 32-Bit 2ch DAC
1. General Description
The AK4492 is a new generation Premium 32-bit 2ch DAC with VELVET SOUNDTM technology,
achieving industry’s leading level low distortion characteristics. The OSR-Doubler technology establishes
low power consumption and low distortion characteristics. Moreover, the AK4492 has six types of 32-bit
digital filters, realizing simple and flexible sound tuning in wide range of applications. The AK4492
accepts up to 768kHz PCM data and 11.2MHz DSD data, ideal for a high-resolution audio source
playback that are becoming widespread in smartphone, portable audio player etc.
Application: Smart Cellular Phones, IC-Recorders, Bluetooth Headphones, CD/SACD Players, Network
Audios, USB DACs, USB Headphones, Sound Plates/Bars, HD Audio/Voice Conference
Systems, AV Receivers
2. Features
THD+N: -115 dB
DR, S/N: 127 dB (2 Vrms Output)
128 Times Over Sampling
Sampling Rate: 8kHz 768 kHz
32-bit 8x Digital Filter
- Short Delay Sharp Roll-off, GD=6.0/fs,
Ripple: 0.005dB, Attenuation: 100dB
- Short Delay Slow Roll-off, GD=5.0/fs
- Sharp Roll-off
- Slow Roll-off
- Low-dispersion Short Delay Filter
- Super Slow Roll-off
High Tolerance to Clock Jitter
Low Distortion Differential Output
2.8 MHz, 5.6 MHz, 11.2 MHz DSD Input Support
- Filter1 (fc = 39 kHz, 2.8 MHz mode)
- Filter2 (fc = 76 kHz, 2.8 MHz mode)
Digital De-emphasis for 32, 44.1and 48kHz sampling
Soft Mute
Digital Attenuator (255 levels and 0.5dB step + mute)
Mono Mode
External Digital Filter Interface
Audio I/F Format: 24/32 bit MSB justified, 16/20/24/32 bit LSB justified, I2S, DSD, TDM
Master Clock
8 kHz ~ 32 kHz: 256 fs or 384 fs or 512 fs or 768 fs or 1024 fs or 1152 fs
8 kHz ~ 54 kHz: 256 fs or 384 fs or 512 fs or 768 fs
8 kHz ~ 108 kHz: 256 fs or 384 fs
108 kHz ~ 216 kHz: 128 fs or 192 fs
~384 kHz: 32 fs or 48 fs or 64 fs or 96 fs
~768 kHz: 16 fs or 32 fs or 48 fs or 64 fs
3-wire, I2C-bus Interface
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