Catalog 1307191
Revised 9-00
RF Coax Connectors
SSMT Surface Mount Interconnect System
Microminiature Surface
Mount RF Connectors
ꢀ 3.0 [.118] mated height
ꢀ Excellent interface retention
ꢀ Flexible micro-coax cable
ꢀ 360 degree mated rotation
ꢀ Tape and Reel packaging
The AMP next generation
SSMT surface mount
Interconnect System is
cations where shock, vibra-
tion or cable flexure may be
encountered. Force to dis-
face mount technology and
is available in tape and reel
packaging for automatic
designed to provide superi-
or electrical and mechani-
cal performance for wireless
communication applica-
tions. The SSMT system
occupies less printed circuit
board (PCB) real estate
than conventional through
hole coaxial connectors. An
innovative microstrip mount-
ing pattern and plug recep-
tacle design ensure reliable
grounding and PCB reten-
tion characteristics. The
SSMT Interconnect System
allows closer pitch/spacing,
standing 3.0 [.118] (fully
mated height) off the board.
The mated SSMT interface
allows 360 degrees of rota-
tion providing maximum
PCB design flexibility. It has
been designed to provide
optimal retention for appli-
engage by cable load (cam- pick and place board
out) exceeds 300 grams.
assembly. The mating cable
jack is available terminated
to a highly flexible micro-
coax cable as either a pig-
tail, jumper or standard
interseries connector
assembly to meet your
The SSMT system is
designed to provide the
performance of much larger
industry standard connec-
tors. The SSMT
Interconnect System con-
sistently achieves broad
band electrical perfor-
mance through 6 GHz with
a maximum VSWR of 1.20:1
at 2 GHz. This broad band
performance establishes a
reliable interface that can
be utilized for future system
The SSMT Interconnect
System can be manually
mated, facilitating high
volume assembly and elimi-
nating the need for special
engagement tooling. The
SSMT interface design
upgrades without concern for aligns the center contacts
performance degradation.
prior to full mating to ensure
a robust mechanical
engagement. Interface
durability is rated at 100
mating cycles.
The SSMT utilizes a com-
mon OSMT plug receptacle,
part number 1251802-1,
which is designed for high
volume assembly using sur-
AMP Technical Support Center/AMP FAX Service
1-800-522-6752 717-986-7777
Dimensions are in
millimeters over [inches]
subject to change.