USB 2.0 Flash Media
Product Features
Complete USB Specification 2.0 Compatibility
8051 8 bit microprocessor
Includes USB 2.0 Transceiver
Provides low speed control functions
A Bi-directional Control and a Bi-directional Bulk
30 Mhz execution speed at 4 cycles per instruction
Endpoint are provided.
12K Bytes of internal SRAM for general purpose
768 Bytes of internal SRAM for general purpose
scratchpad or program execution while re-flashing
external ROM
Complete System Solution for interfacing
CompactFlashTM (CF), SmartMediaTM (SM),
Memory StickTM (MS), and Secure Digital (SD)
and MultiMediaCardTM (MMC) devices to USB 2.0
Double Buffered Bulk Endpoint
Supports USB Bulk Only Mass Storage Compliant
Bootable BIOS
Bi-directional 512 Byte Buffer for Bulk Endpoint
64 Byte RX Control Endpoint Buffer
64 Byte TX Control Endpoint Buffer
Support for the following devices:
External Program Memory Interface
XD Card
64K Byte Code Space
Flash, SRAM, or EPROM Memory
Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, HS Memory
On Board 12Mhz Crystal Driver Circuit
Secure Digital
Internal PLL for 480Mhz USB2.0 Sampling,
30Mhz MCU clock
NAND Flash drive
CF form factor ATA hard drives
Support for simultaneous operation of all above
devices. (only one at a time of each of the
following groups supported: CF or ATA drive, SM
or XD or NAND, SD or MMC)
Supports firmware upgrade via USB bus if “boot
block” Flash program memory is used
2.5 Volt, Low Power Core Operation
3.3 Volt I/O with 5V input tolerance
Enhanced CF support to allow true sequential read
128 Pin TQFP (1.0 mm height package) or QFP
operations to improve throughput
16 GPIOs for special function use: LED
indicators, button inputs, power control to
memory devices, etc.
Inputs capable of generating interrupts with either
edge sensitivity
One GPIO has automatic 1 sec toggle capability
for flashing an LED indicator.
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Revision 1.5 (11-05-03)