Securing the Information Age
The TCS1AD TouchChip sensor is the
highest performance sensor from the
successful TouchChip range of silicon
fingerprint sensors – a family of
products providing secure and
c o n v e n i e n t s o l u t i o n s fo r
authenticating the true identity of a
person. The TouchChip product range
is widely regarded as providing more
reliable results than traditional security
Secure and convenient
Key features
By using Fingerprint ID technology,
the TouchChip range of products
provides the most secure and
convenient means of authenticating
the true identity of a person. Since
fingerprints cannot be lost, duplicated
or stolen, and because users do not
have to carry or remember anything,
the TCS1AD enables you to build
significantly more reliable and easier
to use applications than traditional
security devices.
Largest active area in the
fingerprint sensor market ensures
best possible biometric
Targeted at high security
High security in demanding
Low power consumption
The TCS1AD has the largest active
area in the market for fingerprint
sensors and therefore provides the
best possible biometric performance.
It has been designed for integration
in a wide range of products such as
handheld devices, automotive
products, PC peripherals and locks,
and is ideal for applications
demanding the maximum level of
security such as physical access
control, network access, e-business,
asset protection and government
Optimal performance at all times
L i k e
a l l
f i n g e r p r i n t
sensors in the
To u c h C h i p
fa m i l y, t h e
TC S1 AD i s
based on ST’s
highly successful
Compact size and low profile
Active Capacitive-Sensing
Technology ensures highest
quality images
Ac t i v e C a p a c i t i v e - Se n s i n g
Technology. Shown to create better
quality images than other silicon
solutions, this state-of-the-art
technology enables TouchChip
customers to build the highest levels
of security into their biometric
subsystems. With PerfectPrint image
optimization and PerfectMatch
fingerprint matching, customers can
be sure of achieving the highest
performance possible, for all skin
types under all operating conditions.
PerfectMatch™ API for easy
Evaluation Kit and Software
Development Kit speed design
Rapid integration
U sin g
a sim p le Ap p lic a tio n
Programming Interface, it is extremely
easy for designers to add fingerprint
authentication features into their
products. With just a few simple
functions provided to interface the
TouchChip subsystem with their own
software, a system can be developed
very quickly without an in-depth
knowledge of biometrics.
STM i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s
M o r e In t e l l i g e n t S o l u t i o n s