8/14-Pin, 8-Bit Flash Microcontroller Product Brief
• Fully static design
High-Performance RISC CPU:
• Wide operating voltage range:
• Only 35 single-word instructions to learn
- 2.0V-5.5V for PIC12F615 and PIC16F616
• All single-cycle instructions except for program
- 2.0V – user defined maximum voltage for
branches which are two-cycle
PIC12HV615 and PIC16HV616
• Eight-level deep hardware stack
• Wide temperature range:
• Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes
for data and instructions
- Industrial: -40°C to +85°C
- Extended: -40°C to +125°C
• Operating speed:
- DC – 20 MHz clock input
Peripheral Features:
- DC – 200 ns instruction cycle
• I/O pins:
- 5 I/O pins with individual direction control
(PIC12F615, PIC12HV615)
Special Microcontroller Features:
• Precision Internal Oscillator:
- 11 I/O pins with individual direction control
- Selectable 4 MHz or 8 MHz frequency
- Factory calibrated to ±1%
(PIC16F616, PIC16HV616)
- 1 input only pin
• Power-Saving Sleep mode
• Power-on Reset (POR)
- Individually selectable weak pull-ups
- High current sink/source for direct LED drive
• Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter:
- 10-bit resolution
• Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up
Timer (OST)
• Brown-out Reset (BOR)
- 4 external channels (PIC12F615,
• Watchdog Timer (WDT) with dedicated on-chip
RC oscillator for reliable operation
- 8 external channels (PIC16F616,
• Multiplexed MCLR input pin with internal pull-up
• Programmable code protection
- 3 internal channels to convert internal voltage
• Selectable oscillator options:
• Analog Comparator:
- INTOSC: Precision internal oscillator
- EXTRC: External low-cost RC oscillator
- XT: Standard crystal/resonator
- One comparator (PIC12F615, PIC12HV615)
- Two comparators (PIC16F616,
- HS: High-speed crystal/resonator
- LP: Power-saving, low frequency crystal
- EC: High-speed external clock input
• In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™)
• In-Circuit Debugging (ICD) support
• Programmable Interrupt-on-Change pins
- Comparator inputs and output accessible
- On-chip 0.6V absolute voltage reference
- Programmable on-chip voltage reference
(CVREF) module (% of VDD)
• Timer0 module: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit
programmable prescaler
Low-Power Features/CMOS Technology:
• Enhanced Timer1 module:
- 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler
- External gate input
• Operating current:
- 100 μA @ 2V, 1 MHz, typical
• Standby current:
- Option to use OSC1/OSC2 input in LP mode
as Timer1 oscillator when in INTOSC mode
- 1 nA @ 2V, typical
- Option to use system clock source as Timer1
clock input
• Low-power, high-speed Flash technology:
- 100,000 Flash endurance
- > 40-year retention
- Timer2 module: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit
prescaler and postscaler
© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.
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