60V, 500mA, Ultra-Small, High-Efficiency,
Synchronous Step-Down DC-DC Converter
General Description
Benefits and Features
●ꢀ EliminatesꢀExternalꢀComponentsꢀandꢀReduceꢀTotalꢀ
The MAX17501 high-efficiency, high-voltage, synchronous
step-down DC-DC converter with integrated MOSFETs
operates over a 4.5V to 60V input voltage range. It deliv-
ers output currents up to 500mA at output voltages of
•ꢀ NoꢀSchottky-SynchronousꢀOperationꢀforꢀHighꢀ
•ꢀ Internal Compensation and Feedback Divider for
3.3V and 5V Outputs
0.9V to 92%V . The output voltage is accurate to within
±1.7% over -40°C to +125°C. The MAX17501 is avail-
able in a compact TDFN package. Simulation models are
•ꢀ All-Ceramic Capacitors, Ultra-Compact Layout
●ꢀ ReducesꢀNumberꢀofꢀDC-DCꢀRegulatorsꢀtoꢀStock
The device features peak-current-mode control with
pulse-width modulation (PWM). Users can choose devic-
es with either pulse frequency modulation (PFM) or forced
PWM scheme. PFM devices skip pulses at light load for
higher efficiency, while forced-PWM devices operate with
fixed switching frequency at any load for noise sensi-
tive-applications. The low-resistance, on-chip MOSFETs
ensure high efficiency at full load and simplify the layout.
•ꢀ Wideꢀ4.5Vꢀtoꢀ60VꢀInputꢀVoltageꢀRange
•ꢀ 0.9V to 92%V Output Voltage
•ꢀ Delivers up to 500mA
•ꢀ 600kHzꢀandꢀ300kHzꢀSwitchingꢀFrequencyꢀOptions
•ꢀ Available in a 10-Pin, 3mm x 2mm TDFN Package
•ꢀ Peak Efficiency > 90%
•ꢀ PFMꢀFeatureꢀforꢀHighꢀLight-LoadꢀEfficiency
•ꢀ ShutdownꢀCurrentꢀ=ꢀ0.9μAꢀ(typ)
A programmable soft-start feature allows users to reduce
input inrush current. The device also incorporates an
output enable/undervoltage lockout pin (EN/UVLO) that
allows the user to turn on the part at the desired input-
voltage level. An open-drain RESET pin provides a
delayed power-good signal to the system upon achieving
successful regulation of the output voltage.
●ꢀ OperatesꢀReliablyꢀinꢀAdverseꢀIndustrialꢀEnvironmentsꢀ
•ꢀ Hiccup-ModeꢀCurrentꢀLimit,ꢀSinkꢀCurrentꢀLimit,ꢀ
and Autoretry Startup
•ꢀ Built-InꢀOutput-VoltageꢀMonitoringꢀ(Open-Drainꢀ
•ꢀ Resistor-ProgrammableꢀEN/UVLOꢀThreshold
•ꢀ Adjustable Soft-Start and Prebiased Power-Up
•ꢀ -40°Cꢀtoꢀ+125°CꢀIndustrialꢀTemperatureꢀRange
●ꢀ IndustrialꢀProcessꢀControlꢀ
●ꢀ HVACꢀandꢀBuildingꢀControlꢀ
●ꢀ BaseꢀStation,ꢀVOIP,ꢀTelecomꢀ
●ꢀ HomeꢀTheatreꢀ
●ꢀ Automotiveꢀ
●ꢀ Battery-PoweredꢀEquipment
●ꢀ General-PurposeꢀPoint-of-Load
Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.
For related parts and recommended products to use with this part, refer
19-6244; Rev 2; 1/13