19-1265; Rev 1; 3/98
MAX1 6 1 7 Te m p e ra t u re S e n s o r
Eva lu a t io n Kit
________________Ge n e ra l De s c rip t io n
_________________Eq u ip m e n t Ne e d e d
IBM-compatible PC, 386 at 20MHz or better
The MAX1617 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a demonstration plat-
form for the MAX1617 temperature-sensor IC. It monitors
both the junction temperature of the IC and the temperature
of a remote (external) diode-connected transistor, and con-
verts these temperatures to 8-bit, 2-wire serial data. A
2N3904 remote temperature-sensor transistor comes sol-
dered to the board in a SOT23 package, but for more real-
istic experiments, it can easily be removed and connected
via a twisted pair to the DXP and DXN terminals.
Windows 3.1 or Windows 95
Parallel printer cable, straight-through 25-pin
male-to-female type
DC power supply, 9V at 50mA
_________________________Qu ic k S t a rt
1) Set up the hardware. Connect the parallel cable to
the computer port and to the EV kit board (or else
simply plug the board directly into the port without
the cable). The parallel port is typically labeled LPT
The EV kit is designed to be connected to a standard IBM-
compatible PC parallel printer port. Signals from the parallel
port are converted to open-drain SMBus™ clock and data
by a 74HC05 logic chip on the board. An on-board MAX883
linear regulator with reverse voltage protection steps down
the unregulated DC input to 5V to power the glue logic, the
MAX1617, and the SMBus pull-up resistors.
or PRINTER. Adjust the power supply to +9V and
connect it to the POS9 and ground terminals on the
EV kit. Do not apply voltages higher than +11V.
2) Install the software. The MAX1617.EXE software can
be run from the floppy or from a hard drive. Simply
use the Windows program manager to run the pro-
gram. The program prompts you to select the cor-
rect parallel port. An auto-detect routine attempts to
identify the correct port and highlights it as the
default choice. Another auto-detect routine attempts
to find the MAX1617 by cycling through the nine
possible addresses.
The software runs under Windows™ 3.1 or 95. This user-
friendly program is menu-driven and offers a graphic user
interface with control buttons and numeric data displays.
____________________________Fe a t u re s
♦ Measures and Displays Sensor Temperature
After the parallel port and address are set up, the user
interface panel appears. The MAX1617 is now operat-
ing in its default power-on-reset (POR) mode, auto-con-
verting at a 0.25Hz rate. The display shows the current
temperature for both remote and local channels.
♦ Simultaneously Monitors Package and a
Remote Sensor
♦ Programs Alarms, Configuration, and Rate
♦ Operating Temperature Ranges:
-55°C to +125°C (remote sensor)
0°C to +70°C (board)
_______________De t a ile d De s c rip t io n
Us e r-In t e rfa c e P a n e l
The user interface is easy to operate; use the mouse, or
press the Tab key to navigate with the arrow keys. Each
of the buttons corresponds to bits in the command,
conversion rate, and configuration bytes. Clicking on
them generates the correct SMBus write operation to
update the internal registers. The program continually
polls the device for new temperature data and status,
and alerts at a rate faster than the fastest conversion
♦ Easy to Use
♦ Includes: Windows 3.1/95 Software
Demo PC Board
3.5 in. Floppy Disk
_______________Ord e rin g In fo rm a t io n
rate. To change the T
and T
comparison registers, select the appropriate data field
and type in the new value. Pressing Enter after typing in
the new values updates the internal registers.
0°C to +70°C Surface Mount
To make single-shot conversions, click the Stop button
under Configuration, and then click on the Measure
Now button. Single-shot conversions can also be per-
formed while the device is auto-converting. The single-
shot command overrides the automatic conversion.
After the single shot is complete, the device returns to
automatic operation.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
SMBus is a trademark of Intel Corp.
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products
For free samples & the latest literature: http://www.maxim-ic.com, or phone 1-800-998-8800.
For small orders, phone 408-737-7600 ext. 3468.