Am186 EM/EMLV and Am188 EM/EMLV
High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and
80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers
— Asynchronous serial port allows full-duplex, 7-bit
n E86TM family 80C186- and 80C188-compatible
or 8-bit data transfers
— Synchronous serial interface allows half-duplex,
bidirectional data transfer to and from ASICs
microcontrollers with enhanced bus interface
— Lower system cost with higher performance
— Pseudo static RAM (PSRAM) controller includes
auto refresh capability
— 3.3-V ±.3-V operation (Am186EMLV and
Am188EMLV microcontrollers)
— Reset configuration register
n Familiar 80C186/80L186 peripherals
— Two independent DMA channels
n High performance
— 20-, 25-, 33-, and 40-MHz operating frequencies
— Supports zero-wait-state operation at 25 MHz
with 110-ns static memory (Am186TMEMLV and
Am188TMEMLV microcontrollers) and 40 MHz
with 70-ns static memory (Am186TMEM and
Am188TMEM microcontrollers)
— Programmable interrupt controller with six
external interrupts
— Three programmable 16-bit timers—timer 1 can
be used as a watchdog interrupt timer
— Programmable memory and peripheral
chip-select logic
— 1-Mbyte memory address space
— 64-Kbyte I/O space
— Programmable wait state generator
— Power-save clock divider
n New features provide faster access to memory and
remove the requirement for a 2x clock input
n Software-compatible with the 80C186/80C188
— Nonmultiplexed address bus
and 80L186 /80L188 microcontrollers
— Phase-locked loop (PLL) allows processor to
operate at the clock input frequency
n Widely available native development tools,
applications, and system software
n New integrated peripherals provide increased
n Available in the following packages:
— 100-pin, thin quad flat pack (TQFP)
— 100-pin, plastic quad flat pack (PQFP)
functionality while reducing system cost
— Thirty-two programmable I/O (PIO) pins
The Am186TMEM/EMLV and Am188TMEM/EMLV micro- controller, DMA controller, PSRAM controller, asynchro-
controllers are the ideal upgrade for 80C186/188 and nous serial port, synchronous serial interface, and pro-
80L186/188 microcontroller designs requiring 80C186/ grammable I/O (PIO) pins on one chip. Compared to the
188 and 80L186/188 microcontroller compatibility, in- 80C186/188 and 80L186/188 microcontrollers, the
creased performance, serial communications, and a di- Am186EM/EMLV and Am188EM/EMLV microcontrol-
rect bus interface. The Am186EM/EMLV and lers enable designers to reduce the size, power con-
Am188EM/EMLV microcontrollers increase the perfor- sumption, and cost of embedded systems, while
mance of existing 80C186/188 and 80L186/188 sys- increasing functionality and performance.
tems while decreasing their cost.
The Am186EM/EMLV and Am188EM/EMLV microcon-
The Am186EM/EMLV and Am188EM/EMLV microcon- trollers have been designed to meet the most common
trollers are part of the AMD E86 family of embedded mi- requirements of embedded products developed for the
crocontrollers and microprocessors based on the x86 office automation, mass storage, communications, and
architecture. The E86 family includes the 16- and 32-bit mi- general embedded markets. Specific applications in-
crocontrollers and microprocessors described on page 8
clude disk drives, hand-held terminals and desktop ter-
minals, fax machines, printers, photocopiers, feature
phones, cellular phones, PBXs, multiplexers, modems,
and industrial controls.
The Am186EM/EMLV and Am188EM/EMLV microcon-
trollers integrate the functions of the CPU, nonmulti-
plexed address bus, timers, chip selects, interrupt
This document contains information on a product under development at Advanced Micro Devices. The information
is intended to help you evaluate this product. AMD reserves the right to change or discontinue work on this proposed
product without notice.
Publication# 19168 Rev: E Amendment/0
Issue Date: February 1997