nꢀ Surfaceꢀmountꢀforꢀeconomicalꢀassembly
nꢀ Highꢀsurgeꢀcurrentꢀrating
nꢀ Telecommunications
nꢀ Industrialꢀelectronics
nꢀ DesignedꢀtoꢀmeetꢀITU-TꢀK.12ꢀclassꢀ5ꢀsurgeꢀꢀ nꢀ Commercialꢀelectronics
nꢀ Automotive,ꢀaircraft,ꢀmilitaryꢀelectronics
nꢀ Lowꢀcapacitanceꢀandꢀinsertionꢀloss
nꢀ Stableꢀbreakdownꢀthroughoutꢀlife
nꢀ ULꢀRecognizedꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀ
Bourns offers a heavy duty 2-electrode GDT surge arrestor in an 8x6 mm surface mount (SM) package. The Model 2029-xx-SMLF
Series is categorized as a Class 5 rated GDT and attains the highest performance classification available under ITU K.12
requirements. High performance in a compact surface mount package makes this series ideal for use in heavily exposed
telecommunications, commercial and industrial applications.
Test Methods per ITU-T K.12, IEEE C62.31 and IEC 61643-311 GDT standards.
Model No.
DC Sparkover ±20 %
@ 100 V/s
90 V
150 V
230 V
350 V
420 V
Impulse Sparkover (1)
100 V/μs (Typical)
100 V/μs (99 %)
275 V
375 V
325 V
375 V
450 V
500 V
600 V
625 V
650 V
750 V
Impulse Sparkover (1)
1 kV/μs (Typical)
1 kV/μs (99 %)
525 V
600 V
525 V
625 V
650 V
750 V
775 V
875 V
850 V
1000 V
Impulse Sparkover voltage is defined as typical values of distribution.
Insulation Resistance ...................................... 100 V (50 V for Model 2029-09-SMLF).............> 10
Glow Voltage ................................................... 10 mA................................................................~ 70 V
Arc Voltage...................................................... > 1A...................................................................~ 12 V
Glow-Arc Transition Current.......................................................................................................< 0.5 A
Capacitance..................................................... 1 MHz ...............................................................< 1 pF
DC Holdover Voltage (2) .................................. 135 V, (52 V for Model 2029-09-SMLF;
80 V for Model 2029-15-SMLF) ........................< 150 ms
Impulse Discharge Current.............................. 25000 A, 8/20 µs .............................................. 1 operation minimum (3)
20000 A, 8/20 µs...............................................> 10 operations
5 kA, 10/350 µs ................................................ 1 operation minimum (3)
100 A, 10/1000 µs.............................................> 300 operations
10 A, 10/1000 µs...............................................> 1500 operations
Alternating Discharge Current......................... 65 Arms, 11 cycles ........................................... 1 operation minimum (3)
20 Arms, 1 s......................................................> 10 operations
Storage Temperature.................................................................................................................. -55 to +105 °C
Operating Temperature............................................................................................................... -55 to +105 °C
Climatic Category (IEC 60068-1)................................................................................................ 55/105/21
• UL recognized component, UL File E153537.
• Model number marking on tube: 2029-xxxV.
• Surface Mount (SM) parts may show a temporary increase in DCBD after the solder reflow process. Most devices will recover within 24 hours
time. It should be noted that there is no quality defect nor change in protection levels during the temporary change in DCBD.
• Sparkover limits ± 25% and IR >10 Ω after life.
• At delivery AQL 0.65 Level II, DIN ISO 2859.
• Bourns recommends reflowing surface mount devices per IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 rev D.
Network applied.
DC Sparkover may exceed ±20 % after discharge, but will continue to protect without venting.