MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040F PDF预览


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XLamp EasyWhite LEDs

MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040F 数据手册

 浏览型号MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040F的Datasheet PDF文件第2页浏览型号MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040F的Datasheet PDF文件第3页浏览型号MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040F的Datasheet PDF文件第4页浏览型号MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040F的Datasheet PDF文件第5页浏览型号MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040F的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040F的Datasheet PDF文件第7页 
Product family data sheet  
Cree® XLamp® MT-G EasyWhite® LEDs  
PꢀoDuCT DEꢁCꢀꢂPTꢂon  
TAbLE oF ConTEnTꢁ  
Crꢀꢀ easyWhitꢀ color tꢀmpꢀraturꢀs  
from 2700 K to 5000 K CCT  
Thꢀ XLamp® MT-G easyWhitꢀ® LeD  
maximizꢀs lumꢀn dꢀnsity, ꢀliminatꢀs  
chromaticity binning and ꢀnablꢀs  
luminairꢀ and bulb manufacturꢀrs to  
deliver consistent color and high‑efficacy  
light output in a nꢀw, compact, multi-diꢀ  
packagꢀ. XLamp MT-G easyWhitꢀ LeDs  
can rꢀducꢀ LeD-to-LeD color ꢁariation  
Charactꢀristics....................................... 2  
Flux Charactꢀristics, easyWhitꢀ® Ordꢀr  
Codes and Bins ‑ 6 V.............................. 3  
Flux Charactꢀristics, easyWhitꢀ® Ordꢀr  
Codes and Bins ‑ 36 V............................ 5  
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Spꢀctral Powꢀr Distribution .... 7  
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Luminous Flux ꢁs. Junction  
Widꢀ rangꢀ of opꢀrating powꢀr - up  
to 25 W  
85 °C binning and characterization  
Two voltage options: 6 V, 36 V  
Low ꢀffꢀctiꢁꢀ thꢀrmal rꢀsistancꢀ:  
1.5 °C/W  
Tꢀmpꢀratur........................................... 7  
elꢀctrical Charactꢀristics....................... 8  
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Luminous Flux ꢁs. Currꢀnt....... 9  
Typical Spatial Distribution.................. 10  
Pꢀrformancꢀ Groups – Brightnꢀss..... 10  
Pꢀrformancꢀ Groups – Chromaticity.. 11  
Crꢀꢀ easyWhitꢀ® Color Tꢀmpꢀraturꢀs  
Plottꢀd on thꢀ 1931 CIe Curꢁꢀ ............ 12  
Bin and Ordꢀr Codꢀ Formats............... 12  
Reflow Soldering Characteristics........ 13  
Notꢀs .................................................... 14  
Mꢀchanical Dimꢀnsions ...................... 16  
Tapꢀ and Rꢀꢀl....................................... 17  
Packaging............................................. 18  
High lumꢀn dꢀnsity  
to within  
a 2-stꢀp MacAdam ꢀllipsꢀ,  
Wide viewing angle: 120°  
94% smallꢀr than thꢀ total arꢀa of thꢀ  
corrꢀsponding ANSI C78.377 color rꢀgion.  
80‑minimum CRI at 2700 K and  
3000 K CCT  
85‑ and 90‑minimum CRI available in  
2700 K and 3000 K CCT  
Thꢀ XLamp MT-G easyWhitꢀ LeD is thꢀ  
pꢀrfꢀct choicꢀ for lighting applications  
where high luminous flux output is  
rꢀquirꢀd from a singlꢀ, small point sourcꢀ.  
examplꢀ applications includꢀ: LeD  
retrofit bulbs, commercial/retail display  
spotlights, and othꢀr indoor gꢀnꢀral  
illumination applications.  
elꢀctrically nꢀutral thꢀrmal path  
RoHS and ReACh compliant  
UL® rꢀcognizꢀd componꢀnt  
MR, PAR and other directional retrofit  
Commercial/residential directional  
Gꢀnꢀral illumination  
Copyright © 2011-2016 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, XLamp® and  
EasyWhite® are registered trademarks and the Cree logo is a trademark of Cree, Inc. UL® and the UR logo are registered trademarks of UL LLC.  
Cree, Inc.  
4600 Silicon Drive  
Durham, NC 27703  
USA Tel: +1.919.313.5300  


型号 品牌 获取价格 描述 数据表
MTGEZW-00-0000-0N00H040H CREE


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Single Color LED,