
Testo (德图) 更新时间:2023-05-24 08:10:33

德图仪器总部位于黑森林,是便携式和固定测量解决方案领域的开拓者。在全球 37 家子公司中,约 3,500 名员工为这家高科技公司进行研究、开发、生产和营销。这位测量技术专家凭借高精度测量仪器和面向未来测量数据管理的创新解决方案说服了全球超过 650,000 家客户。

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型号 品牌 价格 文档 应用 描述
06140275 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function VAC measuring instrument
06140195 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function VAC measuring instrument
06140073 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function VAC measuring instrument
06140072 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function VAC measuring instrument
06140071 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function VAC measuring instrument
TESTO435-4 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function measuring instrument
TESTO435-3 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function measuring instrument
TESTO435-2 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function measuring instrument
TESTO435-1 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function measuring instrument
TESTO435 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function measuring instrument
05540533 TESTO 获取价格 Pressure and leakage measuring instrument
05540532 TESTO 获取价格 Pressure and leakage measuring instrument
05540620 TESTO 获取价格 Pressure and leakage measuring instrument
05200271 TESTO 获取价格 Temperature measuring instrument (2-channel)
05200031 TESTO 获取价格 Temperature measuring instrument (2-channel)
05200021 TESTO 获取价格 Temperature measuring instrument (2-channel)
05200181 TESTO 获取价格 Core temperature thermometer
05200063 TESTO 获取价格 Core temperature thermometer
05200062 TESTO 获取价格 Core temperature thermometer
05200061 TESTO 获取价格 Core temperature thermometer
05200041 TESTO 获取价格 Core temperature thermometer
05630885X6 TESTO 获取价格 Thermal imager
05630885X5 TESTO 获取价格 Thermal imager
05630885X4 TESTO 获取价格 Thermal imager
05630885X3 TESTO 获取价格 Thermal imager
05630885X2 TESTO 获取价格 Thermal imager
05630885X1 TESTO 获取价格 Thermal imager
05540025 TESTO 获取价格 Humidity/temperature measuring instrument
06352345 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function VAC measuring instrument
06352243 TESTO 获取价格 Multi-function VAC measuring instrument

Testo (德图)  热门型号
