QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (高通) 更新时间:2024-05-23 22:21:25

美国高通公司以其CDMA(码分多址)数字技术为基础,开发并提供富于创意的数字无线通信产品和服务。如今,美国高通公司正积极倡导全球快速部署3G网络、手机及应用。公司总部驻于美国加利福尼亚州圣迭戈市,高通公司的股票是标准普尔500指数的成分股,公司业务涵盖技术领先的3G芯片组、系统软件以及开发工具和产品,技术许可的授予,BREW应用开发平台,QChat、BREWChatVoIP解决方案技术,QPoint定位解决方案,Eudora电子邮件软件,包括双向数据通信系统、无线咨询及网络管理服务等的全面无线解决方案, MediaFLO系统和GSM1x技术等。美国高通公司拥有所有3000多项CDMA及其它技术的专利及专利申请,这些标准已经被全球制定标准机构普遍采纳或建议采纳。高通已经向全球125家以上电信设备制造商发放了CDMA专利许可。

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型号 品牌 价格 文档 应用 描述
QXM109x QUALCOMM 获取价格 Fully Integrated front end module designed for Wi-Fi
5G Fixed Wireless Access Gen 2 Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 无线 The 5G Fixed Wireless Access Gen 2 Platform helps mobile operators offer fixed internet br
QCA6797AQ QUALCOMM 获取价格 The QCA6797AQ is the most advanced premium Wi-Fi/BT combo chipset in the automotive indust
FastConnect 7900 QUALCOMM 获取价格 AI-optimized and integrating Wi-Fi 7, Bluetooth?, and Ultra Wideband (UWB) together in a 6
CSRS3713 QUALCOMM 获取价格 A highly integrated application processor
CSRS3703 QUALCOMM 获取价格 A highly integrated application processor
CSRB31024 QUALCOMM 获取价格 CSRB31024 is an ultra low-power Bluetooth low energy technology radio with infotainment co
Quatro 5300 QUALCOMM 获取价格 Programmable Solution for Printers, Scanners and All-In-Ones
Qualcomm 2 Series Mobile Platforms QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm? 2?series is designed for OEMs that service consumers who may otherwise be un
CSRS3662 QUALCOMM 获取价格 SiRFprimaII is the latest generation applicat
Home Hub 100 Dev Kit for Amazon AVS QUALCOMM 获取价格 A hardware and software development kit with multi-core connectivity designed to support A
CSRS3683 QUALCOMM 获取价格 SiRFprimaII is the latest generation applicat
CSRPrima II QUALCOMM 获取价格 The CSRPrima? II processor integrates an ARM Cortex A9 CPU core, up to 1GHz and targets mi
Snapdragon 427 Mobile Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 As the first 400-series processor with Qualcomm? TruSignal? antenna boost, the Qualcomm? S
APQ8094 QUALCOMM 获取价格 For premium-tier mobile computing in embedded devices, the Qualcomm? APQ8094 processor for
Smart Display 200 Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm Smart Display 200 Platform is purpose-built with rich multimedia, powerful im
APQ8074 QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm? APQ8074 application?processor?is designed to enable blazing fast computation
Snapdragon 653 Mobile Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm? Snapdragon? 653 mobile platform builds on the momentum of its predecessor, t
Snapdragon 630 Mobile Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm? Snapdragon? 630 Mobile Platform is a purpose-built combination of hardware a
Snapdragon 8 Series Mobile Platforms QUALCOMM 获取价格 Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 series mobile platforms expand the possibilities of connected comput
Snapdragon 429 Mobile Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm? Snapdragon? 429 mobile platform is redefining the entry-point of mid-tier pl
CSRS3661 QUALCOMM 获取价格 SiRFprimaII is the latest generation applicat
Qualcomm Atlas VI QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm Atlas? VI processor integrates an ARM Cortex 9 CPU core, up to 1GHz and targe
Snapdragon 626 Mobile Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm? Snapdragon? 626 mobile platform is engineered to provide even more power and
Quatro 5500 QUALCOMM 获取价格 Programmable Solutions for Printers, Scanners and All-In-Ones
CSRS3682 QUALCOMM 获取价格 Automotive infotainment and entertainment systems.
CSRS3718 QUALCOMM 获取价格 A highly integrated application processor
Snapdragon 821 Mobile Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 LTE The Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 mobile platform with X12 LTE helped set a new bar for smartpho
Snapdragon 652 Mobile Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 The Qualcomm? Snapdragon? 652 mobile platform supports advanced features and experiences.
Snapdragon 670 Mobile Platform QUALCOMM 获取价格 The feature-rich Qualcomm? Snapdragon? 670 mobile platform gives smartphone consumers more


公司名称 类型 国家 官网 地址
得捷电子 分销商 中国 https://www.digikey.cn/ 上海市长宁区长宁路1133号长宁来福士广场T1幢办公楼32层3202、3203、3205、3206单元
富昌电子 分销商 中国 https://www.futureelectronics.cn/ 上海市浦东新区东育路221弄11号前滩世贸中心三期B座三楼
艾睿电子 分销商 中国 https://www.arrow.cn/ 上海市静安区裕通路100号宝矿洲际商务中心12层艾睿电子
贸泽电子 分销商 中国 https://www.mouser.cn/ 上海市长宁区娄山关路555号长房国际广场办公楼2506-2510室
CECport (中电港) 分销商 中国 http://www.cecport.com/ 深圳市南山区桃源街道留仙大道3333号塘朗城广场(西区)A座23层

