
GAMEWELL-FCI BY HONEYWELL 更新时间:2022-02-26 14:01:08

Gamewell-FCI是霍尼韦尔安全与消防公司的一部分,是火灾报警控制面板、生命安全系统、语音疏散系统和群发通知系统领域的设计和制造领导者。Gamewell-FCI 专为教育设施、医疗保健设施、学院和大学、制造、商业和工业应用而设计,可保护全球人员、财产和资产。Gamewell-FCI与全球工程系统分销商(ESD)网络合作,提供符合全球批准,列表和标准的尖端技术。

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型号 品牌 价格 文档 应用 描述
1100-0451 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Local Operating Console
1100-0455 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Local Operating Console
150-00027 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Emergency Voice Evacuation System
150-00026 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Emergency Voice Evacuation System
B200S GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Advanced Multi-Criteria Detector with Four Unique Sensing Elements
B200SR GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Analog Addressable Laser Smoke Sensor
AM-50-70 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent Network Transponder
AM-50-25 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent Network Transponder
7200-C-RETROFIT GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Retrofit Kits FCI 7200 to E3 Series
7200-B-RETROFIT GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Retrofit Kits FCI 7200 to E3 Series
7100-1D-PNL GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Compact Analog Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel
7100-1-PNL GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Compact Analog Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel
ANX-MR-UTP GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent, Networked, Multi-Channel Fire Alarm Control and Emergency Voice Evacuation Sy
ANX-MR-FO GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent, Networked, Multi-Channel Fire Alarm Control and Emergency Voice Evacuation Sy
ILI95-S-E3 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent, Networked, Multi-Channel Fire Alarm Control and Emergency Voice Evacuation Sy
ILI95-MB-E3 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent, Networked, Multi-Channel Fire Alarm Control and Emergency Voice Evacuation Sy
IF600XL-RETROFIT GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Gamewell to E3 Series
IF600-RETROFIT GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Gamewell to E3 Series
E3BB-FLUSH-LCD GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 LCD Touchscreen Annunciator Display
INCC-TEL GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent, Networked, Multi-Channel Fire Alarm Control and Emergency Voice Evacuation Sy
INCC-MIC GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent, Networked, Multi-Channel Fire Alarm Control and Emergency Voice Evacuation Sy
INCC-BP GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Intelligent, Networked, Multi-Channel Fire Alarm Control and Emergency Voice Evacuation Sy
GFANN-RLY GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 5 and 10 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panels
GFANN-LED GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 5 and 10 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panels
GFANN-80W GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 5 and 10 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panels
GFANN-80 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 5 and 10 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panels
BSM-7100-2D GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Compact Analog Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel
BSM-7100-2 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Compact Analog Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel
BSM-7100-1D GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Compact Analog Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel
BSM-7100-1 GAMEWELL-FCI 获取价格 Compact Analog Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel
