ETAL Group

ETAL Group 更新时间:2022-10-12 13:38:29

ETAL Group 最初成立于1968年,是内部开发的高性能磁性元件(主要是变压器和电感器)的领先供应商。ETAL 集团在瑞典、英国、斯里兰卡、爱沙尼亚、中国和马来西亚开展业务,并通过分销合作伙伴在另外20个左右的国家开展业务。生产在公司在斯里兰卡和爱沙尼亚的自有工厂以及通过亚洲的生产合作伙伴进行。

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型号 品牌 价格 文档 应用 描述
106-P10-10A ETAL 获取价格 Motors, transformers, solenoids, printed circuit boards, hand-held machines and appliances
1140-G111-P1M1-16A ETAL 获取价格 电路保护 Motors, transformers, solenoids, hand-held machines and appliances
1140-G111-P1M1-10A ETAL 获取价格 电路保护 Motors, transformers, solenoids, hand-held machines and appliances
1140-F111-P1M1-10A ETAL 获取价格 Motors, transformers, solenoids, hand-held machines and appliances
1140-F111-P1M1-16A ETAL 获取价格 Motors, transformers, solenoids, hand-held machines and appliances
1658-G21-02-P10-20A ETAL 获取价格 电池 Battery chargers, consumer products, power supplies, motors
1658-G21-02-P10-15A ETAL 获取价格 电池 Battery chargers, consumer products, power supplies, motors
1658-G21-02-P10-10A ETAL 获取价格 电池 Battery chargers, consumer products, power supplies, motors
1658-G21-02-P10-8A ETAL 获取价格 电池 Battery chargers, consumer products, power supplies, motors
1610-21-8A ETAL 获取价格 Extra low voltage wiring systems on all types of vehicles and marine craft
1610-21-10A ETAL 获取价格 Extra low voltage wiring systems on all types of vehicles and marine craft
1610-21-6A ETAL 获取价格 Extra low voltage wiring systems on all types of vehicles and marine craft
1610-21-15A ETAL 获取价格 Extra low voltage wiring systems on all types of vehicles and marine craft
1610-21-20A ETAL 获取价格 Extra low voltage wiring systems on all types of vehicles and marine craft
1410-L210-L2F1-S02-2A ETAL 获取价格 PC电路保护 Motors, transformers, solenoids, PCBs, hand-held machines, appliances, instrumentation
1410-L210-L2F1-S02-1A ETAL 获取价格 PC Motors, transformers, solenoids, PCBs, hand-held machines, appliances, instrumentation
1110-F112-P1M1-1A ETAL 获取价格 Motors, transformers, solenoids, extra low voltage systems, household and office machines,
1110-F112-P1M1-3A ETAL 获取价格 Motors, transformers, solenoids, extra low voltage systems, household and office machines,
1110-F112-P1M1-5A ETAL 获取价格 Motors, transformers, solenoids, extra low voltage systems, household and office machines,
1110-F112-P1M1-10A ETAL 获取价格 Motors, transformers, solenoids, extra low voltage systems, household and office machines,
1110-F112-P1M1-16A ETAL 获取价格 Motors, transformers, solenoids, extra low voltage systems, household and office machines,
1110-F112-P1M1-2A ETAL 获取价格 电路保护 Motors, transformers, solenoids, extra low voltage systems, household and office machines,
808-H-1A ETAL 获取价格 电路保护 Printed circuit boards and components, safety and control systems
808-H-4A ETAL 获取价格 Printed circuit boards and components, safety and control systems
808-H-5A ETAL 获取价格 Printed circuit boards and components, safety and control systems
808-H-2A ETAL 获取价格 Printed circuit boards and components, safety and control systems
808-H-3A ETAL 获取价格 Printed circuit boards and components, safety and control systems
SVS18-10-C10 ETAL 获取价格 Systematic integration of overcurrent protection, power distribution and signalling on one
SVS18 ETAL 获取价格 Systematic integration of overcurrent protection, power distribution and signalling on one
SVS2508-001 ETAL 获取价格 Systematic integration of protection and distribution functions
