ARIES ELECTRONICS, INC. 更新时间:2022-02-26 12:49:11

Aries Electronics 成立于 1972 年,始于已故的 William “Bill” Sinclair 从 Thomas & Betts Corporation 购买背板系列。该系列包括 IC 插座、接头和印刷电路卡。在 Bill 的愿景下,Aries 扩展了产品线,涵盖各种封装产品,包括插座、针座和盖板、可编程设备以及各种跳线和电缆组件。 Aries已成为业界公认的独特连接器产品的主要来源,这些产品可以解决各种封装问题。 Aries 是用于 DIP、PGA、PLCC 和 SOIC 器件的 ZIF(零插入力)测试插座的公认行业领导者,并继续成为各种特种电子连接器的领先供应商。

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型号 品牌 价格 文档 应用 描述
20-350001-1X ARIES 获取价格 PC A cost-effective means of upgrading to SOJ or SOIC without changing your PCB layout
20-350000-1X ARIES 获取价格 PC A cost-effective means of upgrading to SOJ or SOIC without changing your PCB layout
14-350000-1X ARIES 获取价格 PC A cost-effective means of upgrading to SOJ or SOIC without changing your PCB layout
14-350003-1X ARIES 获取价格 PC A cost-effective means of upgrading to SOJ or SOIC without changing your PCB layout
XX-6511-11WR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-6511-10WR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-6511-10TLWR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-4511-11WR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-4511-10WR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-4511-10TLWR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-3511-11WR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-3511-10WR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-3511-10TLWR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-2511-11WR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-2511-10WR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
XX-2511-10TLWR ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Standard DIP Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
40-0501-21 ARIES 获取价格 Series 501 Strip-Line™ Socket Strip w/Bifur
40-0501-20TL ARIES 获取价格 Series 501 Strip-Line™ Socket Strip w/Bifur
40-0501-20 ARIES 获取价格 Series 501 Strip-Line™ Socket Strip w/Bifur
34-0501-21 ARIES 获取价格 PC Series 501 Strip-Line™ Socket Strip w/Bifur
34-0501-20TL ARIES 获取价格 Series 501 Strip-Line™ Socket Strip w/Bifur
34-0501-20 ARIES 获取价格 Series 501 Strip-Line™ Socket Strip w/Bifur
40-526-11 ARIES 获取价格 Zero-Insertion-Force Socket
40-526-10TL ARIES 获取价格 Zero-Insertion-Force Socket
40-526-10 ARIES 获取价格 Zero-Insertion-Force Socket
40-X511-11 ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Strip-Line Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
40-X511-10TL ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Strip-Line Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
40-X511-10 ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Strip-Line Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
34-X511-11 ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Strip-Line Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails
34-X511-10TL ARIES 获取价格 Series 511 Strip-Line Socket w/Bifurcated Contacts & Solder Pin Tails


公司名称 类型 国家 官网 地址
得捷电子 分销商 中国 上海市长宁区长宁路1133号长宁来福士广场T1幢办公楼32层3202、3203、3205、3206单元
富昌电子 分销商 中国 上海市浦东新区东育路221弄11号前滩世贸中心三期B座三楼
贸泽电子 分销商 中国 上海市长宁区娄山关路555号长房国际广场办公楼2506-2510室
