Driving the Digital Lifestyle
Digital Camera
Digital TV
IP Cores
Picture Enhancement Processor
Te l 408.523.6500
Fax 408.523.6501
Zoran Corporation
1390 Kifer Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94086-5305
Product Brief
Zoran's PEP-1 Picture Enhancement Processor is a silicon-efficient
Intellectual Property Core for video IC designs. By providing sharper,
contrast-enhanced video, PEP-1 achieves significant quality improve-
ment. PEP-1 is based on Zoran's extensive experience delivering high
quality, high volume video ICs to major consumer products manufac-
turers worldwide. Using a robust contrast enhancement algorithm
(dynamic range enhancement), PEP-1 greatly reduces the risk and
time involved when integrating picture enhancement functions into an
IC. As a result, expensive, discrete components can be eliminated
from system designs. When used in conjunction with Zoran's other IP
Core products, a silicon and memory efficient implementation can be
VIP-II Demonstration System
Zoran offers the VIP-II FPGA demonstration system for evaluation of
the PEP-1 Picture Enhancement Processor. The VIP-II allows cus-
tomers to input composite video, s-video, or component video to test
the PEP-1's performance.
• Robust contrast enhancement
• Silicon efficient, fully-synchronous design
• Dynamic range enhancement
• Requires only a single clock input
• Pixel-by-pixel processing
• Adaptive processing based on input video characteristics
• CCIR656 input and CCIR656 output
• Combinable with other Zoran IP Cores for efficient implementation
• Process technology independent "softcore"
Integrated Circuit Applications
• Video display processors
• Digital-TV
• Projector TV Systems
• Compilable Verilog source code
• Bit accurate, cycle accurate C++ model
• Synopsis synthesis scripts
• Test bench
• Documentation
• VIP-II FPGA demonstration system available