February 1995
PC87303VUL SuperI/OTM Sidewinder Lite
Floppy Disk Controller, Keyboard Controller,
Real-Time Clock, Dual UARTs, IEEE 1284 Parallel Port,
and IDE Interface
General Description
The PC87303VUL is a single chip solution incorporating a
Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Controller (KBC), Real Time
Clock (RTC) and most commonly used I/O peripherals in
The Floppy Disk Controller:
Ð Software compatible with the DP8477, the 765A and
the N82077
Ð 16-byte FIFO (disabled by default)
Ð Burst and Non-Burst modes
ISA, EISA and MicroChannel based computers. In addition
to the KBC and RTC, a Floppy Disk Controller (FDC), two
full featured UARTs, an IEEE 1284 compatible parallel port
and all the necessary control logic for an IDE interface pro-
vides support for most commonly used I/O peripherals.
Ð Perpendicular Recording drive support
Ð High performance internal analog data separator
(no external filter components required)
Ð Low power CMOS with power-down mode
Ð Automatic media-sense support with full IBM TDR
(Tape Drive Register) implementation for PC-AT and
PS/2 floppy drive types
Standard PC-AT address decoding for all the peripherals,
a set of configuration registers, and two user selectable chip
selects are also implemented in this highly integrated mem-
ber of the SuperI/O family. The advanced features and high
integration of the PC87303 result in several benefits for low
cost, high performance systems. Printed circuit board space
savings, fewer components on the motherboard and com-
patibility with the latest industry standard peripherals are
only a few of the benefits of using a PC87303.
The Keyboard Controller:
Ð 8042AH and PC87911 software compatible
Ð 8-bit Microcomputer with 2 kbytes custom ROM and
256 bytes data RAM
Ð Asynchronous access to two data registers and one
status register during normal operation
Ð Dedicated open drain outputs for keyboard controller
Ð Supports both interrupt and polling
Ð Supports DMA handshake
Ð 18 programmable I/O pins
Ð 4 dedicated open-drain outputs
Ð 8-bit Timer/Counter
Ð Binary and BCD arithmetic
The KBC is fully software compatible with the 8042AH mi-
crocontroller. It contains system timing, control logic, cus-
tom ROM program memory, RAM data memory and 18 pro-
grammable I/O lines necessary to implement dedicated
control functions. It is an efficient controller which uses pre-
dominantly singlebyteinstructionswithsupportforbinaryand
BCD arithmetic and extensive bit handling capabilities.
Ð Expandable I/O
Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
SuperI/OTM is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
MicroChannelÉ, PC-ATÉ and PS/2É are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
RRD-B30M75/Printed in U. S. A.