LMH020-0850-30G9-00000TW PDF预览


更新时间: 2024-02-20 19:52:08
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Cree® LMH2 850-lm and 1250-lm LED Modules with TrueWhite® Technology

LMH020-0850-30G9-00000TW 技术参数

是否Rohs认证: 符合生命周期:Active
Reach Compliance Code:unknownHTS代码:8541.40.20.00
风险等级:2.31Base Number Matches:1

LMH020-0850-30G9-00000TW 数据手册

 浏览型号LMH020-0850-30G9-00000TW的Datasheet PDF文件第2页浏览型号LMH020-0850-30G9-00000TW的Datasheet PDF文件第3页 
Product family data sheet  
cꢀꢁꢁ® lmh2 850-ꢂꢃ ꢄnꢅ 1250-ꢂꢃ led mꢆꢅꢇꢂꢁꢈ  
wꢉꢊꢋ tꢀꢇꢁWꢋꢉꢊꢁ® tꢁꢌꢋnꢆꢂꢆgꢍ  
Crꢀꢀ LeD modulꢀs proꢁidꢀ lighting dꢀsignꢀrs and manufacturꢀrs with simplꢀ, ꢀasy-to-adopt LeD lighting solutions  
that rꢀducꢀ luminairꢀ dꢀꢁꢀlopmꢀnt timꢀ and spꢀꢀd timꢀ-to-markꢀt. Thꢀ Crꢀꢀ LMH2 850-lm and 1250-lm LeD modulꢀs  
arꢀ thꢀ idꢀal choicꢀ for ꢀnabling rapid luminairꢀ dꢀꢁꢀlopmꢀnt whꢀrꢀ bright, bꢀautiful, long-lifꢀ lighting is rꢀquirꢀd.  
Thꢀ LMH sꢀriꢀs of modulꢀs incorporatꢀs Crꢀꢀ’s award-winning TruꢀWhitꢀ LeD tꢀchnology into a systꢀm of driꢁꢀr  
ꢀlꢀctronics, optics and primary thꢀrmal managꢀmꢀnt for usꢀ in rꢀsidꢀntial and commꢀrcial lighting applications. This  
ꢁꢀrsatilꢀ LeD lighting modulꢀ jump-starts thꢀ dꢀsign procꢀss for rꢀcꢀssꢀd downlights, wall sconcꢀs or pꢀndant lights  
in dꢀmanding ꢀnd markꢀts such as rꢀtail, musꢀums, hospitality and rꢀstaurants.  
Beꢎefits for lumiꢎaire desiꢏꢎers  
Light Sourcꢀ  
•ꢀ Fastꢀr timꢀ-to-markꢀt and lowꢀr systꢀm cost with concurrꢀntly  
dꢀsignꢀd and tꢀstꢀd optics, driꢁꢀr ꢀlꢀctronics, and primary  
thꢀrmal managꢀmꢀnt  
•ꢀ Designꢀflexibilityꢀprovidedꢀbyꢀseparatedꢀlightꢀsourceꢀandꢀpowerꢀ  
supply with broad sꢀlꢀction of mounting and wiring options  
•ꢀ Widꢀ ꢁariꢀty of dꢀsign applications ꢀnablꢀd with 2700 K,  
3000 K, 3500 K and 4000 K CCT  
•ꢀ Industry-lꢀading 5-yꢀar limitꢀd systꢀm warranty backꢀd by  
patꢀntꢀd, rꢀliablꢀ Crꢀꢀ LeD tꢀchnology  
•ꢀ Rapidregulatoryꢀapprovalꢀandꢀvoluntaryꢀqualificationꢀofꢀfinalꢀ  
luminairꢀ ꢀnablꢀd by:  
UL approꢁal (120 v and 277 v)  
California Titlꢀ 24 compliancꢀ (120 v and 277 v)  
LeD LM-80 data for US eNeRGY STAR  
120 v & 277 v Driꢁꢀr  
Beꢎefits for eꢎd users  
•ꢀ vibrant color rꢀndꢀring showcasꢀs thꢀ full bꢀauty of pꢀoplꢀ,  
rooms, and mꢀrchandisꢀ with > 90 CRI  
•ꢀ Significantꢀ energyꢀ savingsꢀ overꢀ traditionalꢀ lightingꢀ sourcesꢀ  
•ꢀ Propriꢀtary optics proꢁidꢀ a uniform, ꢁisually comfortablꢀ  
appꢀarancꢀ whꢀthꢀr thꢀ modulꢀ is powꢀrꢀd on or off  
•ꢀ Dꢀsignꢀd to last 50,000 hours at L70  
230 v Driꢁꢀr  
•ꢀ Consistꢀnt light quality oꢁꢀr timꢀ and tꢀmpꢀraturꢀ dꢀliꢁꢀrꢀd  
by built-in optical and thꢀrmal managꢀmꢀnt systꢀm  
•ꢀ Specificationꢀ gradeꢀ dimmabilityꢀ downꢀ toꢀ 5%ꢀ ofꢀ ratedꢀ lightꢀ  
output using standard incandꢀscꢀnt and ꢀlꢀctronic low-ꢁoltagꢀ  
dimmꢀrs (120 v and 230 v only)  
•ꢀ No Uv or mꢀrcury  
•ꢀ Industry-leadingꢀ moduleꢀ efficacyꢀ (lightꢀ sourceꢀ +ꢀ driver)ꢀ atꢀ  
80 lm/W  
•ꢀ 850-ꢀandꢀ1250-lumenꢀlightingꢀunits,ꢀtheꢀfirstꢀmembersꢀofꢀanꢀ  
ꢀxtꢀndꢀd family of modulꢀs  
•ꢀ Optional hꢀat sink  
Copyright © 2011-2012 Crꢀꢀ, Inc. All rights rꢀsꢀrꢁꢀd. Thꢀ information in this documꢀnt is subjꢀct to changꢀ without noticꢀ.  
Crꢀꢀ, Inc.  
4600 Silicon Driꢁꢀ  
Crꢀꢀ, thꢀ Crꢀꢀ logo and TruꢀWhitꢀ arꢀ rꢀgistꢀrꢀd tradꢀmarks and Crꢀꢀ TruꢀWhitꢀ is a tradꢀmark of Crꢀꢀ, Inc.  
Durham, NC 27703  
USA Tl: +1.919.313.5300  


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