March 2007
2-Diode Input and Local Digital Temperature Sensor with
Two-Wire Interface and TCRIT Outputs
0.03125°C LSb remote temperature resolution with digital
filter enabled
+127.875°C/–128°C and 0°C/255°C remote ranges
General Description
LM95213 is an 11-bit digital temperature sensor with a 2-wire
System Management Bus (SMBus) interface that can monitor
the temperature of two remote diodes as well as its own tem-
perature. The LM95213 can be used to very accurately mon-
itor the temperature of up to two external devices such as
microprocessors, graphics processors or diode-connected
Programmable digital filters and analog front end filter
Remote diode fault detection, model selection and offset
Mask and status register support
3 programmable TCRIT outputs with programmable
shared hysteresis
Programmable conversion rate and shutdown mode one-
shot conversion control
SMBus 2.0 compatible interface, supports TIMEOUT
Three-level address pin
The LM95213 reports temperature in two different formats for
+127.875°C/–128°C range and 0°C/255°C range. The
LM95213 TCRIT1, TCRIT2 and TCRIT3 outputs are triggered
when any unmasked channel exceeds its corresponding pro-
grammable limit and can be used to shutdown the system, to
turn on the system fans or as a microcontroller interrupt func-
tion. The current status of the TCRIT1, TCRIT2 and TCRIT3
pins can be read back from the status registers. Mask regis-
ters are available for further control of the TCRIT outputs.
14-pin LLP package
Key Specifications
LM95213's remote temperature channels have pro-
grammable digital filters to minimize unwanted TCRIT events
when temperature spikes are encountered.
±2.0 °C (max)
±1.1 °C (max)
3.0 V to 3.6 V
0.57 mA (typ)
■ꢀLocal Temperature Accuracy
■ꢀRemote Diode Temperature Accuracy
■ꢀSupply Voltage
■ꢀAverage Supply Current (1Hz
conversion rate)
For optimum flexibility and accuracy each LM95213 channel
includes offset correction registers for targeting diodes other
than the 2N3904. A three level address pin allows connection
of up to 3 LM95213s to the same SMBus master. The
LM95213 includes power saving functions such as: pro-
grammable conversion rate, shutdown mode, and turn off of
unused channels.
Processor/Computer System Thermal Management
(e.g. Laptop, Desktop, Workstations, Server)
Electronic Test Equipment
Office Electronics
Accurately senses die temperature of 2 remote ICs or
diode junctions and local temperature
0.125°C LSb temperature resolution
Connection Diagram
TruTherm™ is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
Intel™ is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
Pentium™ is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
© 2007 National Semiconductor Corporation