Specification for an SMD LC Filter
MtronPTI P/N: LF9395
I. General & Electrical Requirements
1. Center Frequency (FON): 45.0MHz 0.5MHz
2. Passband @ 3dB: ≤ FON 3.75MHz
3. Insertion Loss (@FON): ≤ 2dB
4. Insertion Loss Ripple (peak-valley, FON 2.0MHz): ≤ 0.2dB
5. Input/Output VSWR (Ref to 50Ω, over FON 2.0MHz): ≤ 1.5:1
6. Phase Offset @ FON and @ 25C: ≤ 7
7. Phase Tracking FON 1.5MHz: ≤ 4, after subtraction of 7 (max) Phase Offset at FON @ 25C
8. Amplitude Offset @ FON and @ 25C: ≤ 0.5dB
9. Amplitude Tracking FON 1.5MHz: ≤ 0.5dB, after subtraction of 0.5dB (max) Amplitude Offset at FON @ 25C
10. Rejection (Minimum, Relative to Insertion Loss) (all to be validated at prototype build)
90dBc: 0Hz to 5MHz
60dBc: 5MHz to 15MHz
60dBc: 130MHz to 360MHz
90dBc: 360MHz to 1000MHz
11. Signal Level: +20dBm (CW) with a 2:1 load
12. ZS/ZL: 50Ω nominal
II. Environmental & Physical Requirements:
1. Temperature Range
Operating: -40C to +71C
Storage: -65C to +150C
2. Solderability: Per EIAJ-STD-002
3. Package (see Figure 1):
Size: 1.00” (L) x 0.375” (W) x 0.3” (H) (1.25” max length id 4-pole is required)
Seal: Hermetic, laser sealed
Finish: Nickel Plated Body, Sn63Pb37 (or equivalent) tinned terminals
4. Delivery shall be a matched set of 6-filters
Part markings shall identify sets.
Rev. - 05/24/12
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