Driving the Digital Lifestyle
Portable Document Format Interpreter
Quatro SOCs
Zoran Corporation
1390 Kifer Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94086-5305
Product Brief
IPS PDFt, Zoran's embedded PDF (Portable Document Format)
interpreter, provides users the ability to directly send a PDF file
to the printer without requiring the document to be opened by
an application first. IPS PDFt is offered as part of Zoran's rich-
featured embedded foundation technology—IPS. IPS PDFt is
ideal for network connected workgroup printers in a workflow
or print-on-demand environment. The PDF standard enables
users to fill in forms, transmit, distribute and print while
retaining the look and feel of the document. IPS PDFt supports
the transparent imaging model introduced in PDF 1.4 (Acrobat
5), as well as the newest PDF advancements introduced in PDF
1.5 (Acrobat 6) and PDF 1.6 (Acrobat 7)
Key Features
• Delivers a robust, integrated PDF printing solution
• Full compatibility with PDF 1.6, including transparency and
JBIG2/JPEG 2000 compression
• Enables an unopened PDF file to be sent directly to the printer
• True native PDF interpreter; not a converter
• Significantly reduces network traffic in workgroup printing
• Supports Monotype Imaging UFST 4.2 (TrueType, PostScript,
CFF, MicroType and Asian Compression for TrueType) fonts,
resident CID fonts, UTF-8 encoding and Monotype Imaging
Multiple Master Gold fonts
• Source code availability provides design flexibility and facilitates
value-added customization
• Integrated with Zoran's OneImage™ common display list
technology to support multi-bit and contone output devices
• Supports variable print resolutions up to 1800 dpi
• Can be combined with the other languages in IPS—IPS FIVE,
IPS PS3, IPS XLC and IPS XPS—for complete print functionality
The PDF Standard
Enhanced Security
PDF has emerged as a standard file format that preserves documents
with all the fonts, graphics, colors and layout of the source document
regardless of the application or platform on which it was created. This
format provides a practical method for transmitting documents for
easy viewing and printing across diverse applications, platforms and
printer devices.
IPS PDFt supports 128-bit decryption and the ability to restrict
printing of PDF documents. IPS PDFt is fully integrated with RSA
BSAFE cryptographic software from RSA Security Inc. OEMs have
the option to sublicense RSA decryption technology directly from
Zoran. Users can encrypt a PDF file with either the AES algorithm or
with proprietary RC4 encryption supplied by RSA.
Zoran provides complete source code for the IPS PDFt interpreter
and a full set of engineering documentation to allow OEMs to
customize the interpreters for specific market requirements.
Reduced Network Traffic
With embedded HTTP support, IPS PDFt gives users the option to
send a PDF file directly to the printer rather than opening the
document first on the PC. This allows the file to travel only once on
the network instead of once to the PC and again to the printer.
IPS PDFt is integrated with IPS to offer a total solution for high
performance print and multifunction peripheral controllers. With its
layered architecture and application programming interface (API),
IPS reduces time-to-market and development costs. The image
processing model of IPS PDFt is fully integrated with IPS PS3 for
improved compatibility in an efficient memory footprint.
Host Application
Zoran provides a reference host application to browse and select
URLs, send the target URL to the printer and initiate the IPS PDFt
print process. The application allows the user to drag a URL to the
host application's icon and drop to initiate a single-copy print process.
Transparent Imaging Model
Zoran’s innovative OneImage common display list technology has
been extended to support native transparency rendering for greatest
fidelity to documents created in Acrobat 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 and other
applications used by creative professionals.
Imaging-IPS PDF5-PB-4