DirecTemp USB Thermometer
Engineering Information:
USB thermometer
Operating temperature range: -40°C to 105°C
#24 AWG leads
Stainless steel ‘birdcage’ style housing
Data logging and alert notification software included
Multiple sensors supported
Measures in Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin
Use as a plug-and-play Windows device or with
custom software
NIST traceable certification available
Able to be recalibrated by QTI
Air temperature sensing
Fast thermal response times
Series Information:
QTI’s DTU6035-001 USB thermometer is ideal for measuring air temperature. The open-ended shape of the
sensor helps to protect the sensing element while reducing thermal mass. QTI’s micro-thermistor can be used
as the sensing element for even faster response times.
DirecTemp® USB Thermometer Overview:
A high-precision thermistor is combined with a 14-bit analog to digital converter and a simple USB
communication interface to capture real-time temperature data. The DirecTemp® device can communicate
either as a Human Interface Device which auto installs to interface with the DirecTemp® data logging
software, or as a virtual serial port with which custom or third party software may be used. DirecTemp® probes
are calibrated in QTI’s metrology laboratory and can be re-calibrated and returned to service for extended life.
The absolute accuracy and repeatable precision of the DirecTemp® USB temperature acquisition system will
become invaluable to your most critical application.
Up to 0.1°C absolute accuracy
Up to 0.01 resolution*
Chooose probe style, cable length, and critical temperature point
PC powered, no batteries
Temperature range: -55°C to 150°C with proper probe selection
RoHS Compliant
*User specified single point temperature and tolerances available.
Warning: Do not use in human life support applications.
This device is not designed nor intended to operate in situations where human injury will result in the event of a failure.