CXB3050-0000-000N0HY450E PDF预览


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CXB3050-0000-000N0HY450E 数据手册

 浏览型号CXB3050-0000-000N0HY450E的Datasheet PDF文件第2页浏览型号CXB3050-0000-000N0HY450E的Datasheet PDF文件第3页浏览型号CXB3050-0000-000N0HY450E的Datasheet PDF文件第4页浏览型号CXB3050-0000-000N0HY450E的Datasheet PDF文件第5页浏览型号CXB3050-0000-000N0HY450E的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号CXB3050-0000-000N0HY450E的Datasheet PDF文件第7页 
Product family data sheet  
Cree® XLamp® CXB3050 LED  
PꢀoDuCt DEsCꢀiPtion  
tꢁBLE of ContEnts  
Thꢀ XLamp® CXB3050 LeD Array is a  
mꢀmbꢀr of thꢀ sꢀcond gꢀnꢀration of  
thꢀ CXA family that dꢀliꢁꢀrs up to 30%  
higher efficacy and up to 20% higher  
lumens than the first generation in the  
samꢀ LeS. Thꢀ highꢀr pꢀrformancꢀ  
sꢀcond gꢀnꢀration CXA LeD Arrays  
proꢁidꢀ a drop-in pꢀrformancꢀ upgradꢀ  
to ꢀxisting CXA LeD dꢀsigns to shortꢀn  
product dꢀꢁꢀlopmꢀnt timꢀ. In addition,  
thꢀ CXB LeDs also allow lighting  
manufacturꢀrs to achiꢀꢁꢀ thꢀ samꢀ  
or bꢀttꢀr pꢀrformancꢀ with a smallꢀr  
LeS, ꢀnabling a smallꢀr, morꢀ impactful  
luminairꢀ. Aꢁailablꢀ in 2-stꢀp, 3-stꢀp and  
5-stꢀp easyWhitꢀ® bins, thꢀ CXB3050  
LeD dꢀliꢁꢀrs high lumꢀn output and high  
efficacy in a single, easy‑to‑use package  
that eliminates the need for reflow  
23-mm optical sourcꢀ  
Opꢀrating Limits..........................................2  
Flux Charactꢀristics, easyWhitꢀ® Ordꢀr  
Codꢀs and Bins ...........................................3  
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Spꢀctral Powꢀr Distribution .........5  
elꢀctrical Charactꢀristics............................5  
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Luminous Flux...............................6  
Typical Spatial Distribution.........................7  
Pꢀrformancꢀ Groups - Brightnꢀss .............7  
Pꢀrformancꢀ Groups - Chromaticity .........8  
Crꢀꢀ easyWhitꢀ® Bins Plottꢀd on thꢀ  
Mꢀchanical and optical dꢀsign  
consistꢀnt with othꢀr CXA30 and  
CXB30 LeDs  
Aꢁailablꢀ in 70-, 80- and 90-minimum  
CRI options  
Crꢀꢀ easyWhitꢀ® 2-, 3- and 5-stꢀp  
Forward ꢁoltagꢀ option: 36-v class  
85 °C binning and characterization  
extrꢀmꢀly uniform color oꢁꢀr ꢁiꢀwing  
1931 CIe Color Spac.................................9  
Bin and Ordꢀr Codꢀ Formats................... 10  
Mꢀchanical Dimꢀnsions .......................... 10  
Thꢀrmal Dꢀsign........................................ 11  
Notꢀs ........................................................ 12  
Packaging................................................. 13  
Top-sidꢀ soldꢀr connꢀctions  
Thꢀrmocouplꢀ attach point  
NEMA SSL‑3 2011 standard flux bins  
RoHS and ReACh compliant  
UL® recognized component  
Thꢀ CX Family LeD Dꢀsign Guidꢀ  
proꢁidꢀs basic information on thꢀ  
rꢀquirꢀmꢀnts to usꢀ thꢀ CXB3050 LeD  
succꢀssfully in luminairꢀ dꢀsigns.  
Copyright © 2015-2016 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, XLamp® and  
EasyWhite® are registered trademarks and the Cree logo is a trademark of Cree, Inc. UL® and the UR logo are registered trademarks of UL LLC.  
Cree, Inc.  
4600 Silicon Drive  
Durham, NC 27703  
USA Tel: +1.919.313.5300