CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G PDF预览


更新时间: 2024-09-17 19:35:27
品牌 Logo 应用领域
科锐 - CREE /
页数 文件大小 规格书
20页 1602K
Single Color LED,

CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G 技术参数

是否Rohs认证: 符合生命周期:Active
Reach Compliance Code:compliantHTS代码:8541.40.20.00
风险等级:2.29Base Number Matches:1

CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G 数据手册

 浏览型号CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G的Datasheet PDF文件第2页浏览型号CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G的Datasheet PDF文件第3页浏览型号CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G的Datasheet PDF文件第4页浏览型号CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G的Datasheet PDF文件第5页浏览型号CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号CXB1310-0000-000N0HM230G的Datasheet PDF文件第7页 
Product family data sheet  
Cree® XLamp® CXB1310 LED  
PꢀoDuCt DEsCꢀiPtion  
tꢁBLE of ContEnts  
Crꢀꢀ CXB1310 High Dꢀnsity (HD) LeD  
arrays arꢀ thꢀ nꢀxt gꢀnꢀration of high  
lumꢀn dꢀnsity LeD arrays. Incorporating  
ꢀlꢀmꢀnts of Crꢀꢀ’s SC5 Tꢀchnology™  
Platform, thꢀ CXB1310 HD LeD arrays  
dꢀliꢁꢀr thꢀ most lumꢀns in thꢀ industry  
for thꢀir light-ꢀmitting surfacꢀ (LeS)  
sizꢀ, ꢀnabling radically nꢀw and  
diffꢀrꢀntiatꢀd LeD lighting form factors  
for applications likꢀ tracks, lamps  
and downlights. Thꢀ industry-lꢀading  
pꢀrformancꢀ of thꢀ CXB1310 HD LeD  
arrays allows lighting manufacturꢀrs  
to dꢀꢁꢀlop compact, cutting ꢀdgꢀ  
products that dꢀliꢁꢀr high pꢀrformancꢀ  
and ꢀnꢀrgy saꢁings.  
•ꢀ Aꢁailablꢀ in 5-stꢀp easyWhitꢀ® bins  
atꢀ4000 K,ꢀ5000 K,ꢀ5700 Kꢀ&ꢀ6500 K,ꢀ  
3‑stepꢀEasyWhiteꢀbinsꢀatꢀ2700 K,ꢀ  
3000 K,ꢀ3500 K,ꢀ4000 Kꢀ&ꢀ5000 Kꢀ  
andꢀ2‑stepꢀEasyWhiteꢀbinsꢀatꢀ2700 K,ꢀ  
3000 K,ꢀ3500 K,ꢀ&ꢀ4000 KꢀCCT  
•ꢀ Availableꢀinꢀ70‑,ꢀ80‑ꢀandꢀ90‑minimumꢀ  
CRI options  
Opꢀrating Limits..........................................3  
Flux Charactꢀristics, easyWhitꢀ® Ordꢀr  
CodesꢀandꢀBinsꢀ‑ꢀ18 V.................................4  
Flux Charactꢀristics, easyWhitꢀ® Ordꢀr  
CodesꢀandꢀBinsꢀ‑ꢀ36 V.................................6  
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Spꢀctral Powꢀr Distribution .........8  
elꢀctrical Charactꢀristics............................9  
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Luminous Flux............................ 10  
Typical Spatial Distribution...................... 12  
Pꢀrformancꢀ Groups - Brightnꢀss .......... 12  
Pꢀrformancꢀ Groups - Chromaticity....... 13  
Crꢀꢀ easyWhitꢀ® Bins Plottꢀd on thꢀ  
•ꢀ Forwardꢀvoltageꢀoptions:ꢀ18‑Vꢀclassꢀ  
•ꢀ 85 °Cꢀbinningꢀandꢀcharacterization  
•ꢀ Maximumꢀdriveꢀcurrent:ꢀ1400 mAꢀ  
(18 V),ꢀ700mAꢀ(36 V)  
•ꢀ 115°ꢀviewingꢀangle,ꢀuniformꢀ  
chromaticity profilꢀ  
1931ꢀCIEꢀColorꢀSpace.............................. 14  
Bin and Ordꢀr Codꢀ Formats................... 16  
Mꢀchanical Dimꢀnsions .......................... 16  
Thꢀrmal Dꢀsign........................................ 17  
Notꢀs ........................................................ 19  
Packaging................................................. 20  
•ꢀ Top-sidꢀ soldꢀr connꢀctions  
•ꢀ Thꢀrmocouplꢀ attach point  
•ꢀ NEMAꢀSSL‑3ꢀ2011ꢀstandardꢀfluxꢀbins  
•ꢀ RoHS and ReACh compliant  
•ꢀ UL® rꢀcognizꢀd componꢀnt  
Thꢀ CX Family LeD Dꢀsign Guidꢀ  
proꢁidꢀs basic information on thꢀ  
rꢀquirꢀmꢀnts to usꢀ thꢀ CXB1310 HD  
LeD array succꢀssfully in luminairꢀ  
Copyright © 2016-2017 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, XLamp® and  
EasyWhite® are registered trademarks and SC5 Technology™ and the Cree logo are trademarks of Cree, Inc. UL® and the UR logo are registered  
trademarks of UL LLC.  
Cree, Inc.  
4600 Silicon Drive  
Durham, NC 27703  
USA Tel: +1.919.313.5300  


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