Five programmable Initiating Device Circuits
(zones). Each zone may be programmed for:
two-wire smoke detectors, normally open
contact devices (pull stations, heat detectors),
four-wire smoke detectors, waterflow
operation, supervisory operation, auto-reset
supervisory operation.
Flex 405
Fire Alarm Control Panel with built-in DACT
and remote-site upload/download capability
Two built-in, Class A or B (Style Z or Y)
NotificationAppliance Circuits (NACs).
NACs may be programmed: silenceable,
non-silenceable (a strobe circuit can keep
flashing after the panel is silenced), auto-
silence (program 5 to 30 minutes), silence
inhibit (60 seconds), coding (march time,
temporal, California).
The Gamewell Flex 405 is a 24-volt,
five-zone Fire Alarm Control Panel
FACP) with built-in communicator and
remote-site upload/download capabil-
3.0 amps of notification appliance power,
expandable to 5.0 amps (meets the critical
power requirements forADAand UL-1971
ity. The integral communicator trans-
Two built-in Form-CAlarm andTrouble relays.
Supervisory and communication fail outputs.
Dual-line rotary- or Touch-Tone®-dial DACT
interfaces to public telephone network (leased
phone lines are not required).
mits event information (alarms,
troubles, supervisories, faults, etc.) to
a UL-Listed central station. The Flex
405 may be used in a variety of cost-
effective applications, including: local
fire alarm control panel (communica-
tor disabled), fire alarm control panel/
communicator, stand-alone sprinkler
24-Volt operation.
Built-in voltmeter measures: zone voltage;
primaryAC line voltage; battery voltage;
NAC(s) voltage; resettable 24-volt power.
Surface Mount Technology (SMT).
Fully programmable via built-in keypad (no
costly external programmers necessary).
Complies with NFPA 72 (Local, Central
Station and Remote Station [DACT only – not
polarity reversal] FireAlarm Systems).
Reporting formats include:
3+1, 4+1, 4+2 Standard + Expanded;
4+1, 4+2, Ademco Express.
Integral battery charger for up to 60 hours of
standby power.
Fuseless, power-limited technology meets
UL power-limiting requirements.
Programmable alarm presignal timer, alarm
verification timer, and optional trouble
supervisory communicator, or slave
communicator to a UL-Listed host fire
alarm panel (requires normally-open dry
contacts to trigger five channels). Selectable transmission formats allow the
Flex 405 to communicate to virtually all central stations.
Remote-Site Upload/Download
The Flex 405 may be downloaded or uploaded without affecting the system fire
protection. Download system programming, and upload key system information
such as: current system status, history and walk test files; zone, AC line, NAC
1 and NAC 2, resettable power and battery voltages; and system programming.
Upload or download within one minute without affecting normal fire panel func-
tions. The upload/download function also features multiple security techniques.
The Flex 405 requires the PK-CD programming kit, which works with most Hayes-
compatible modems (consult factory for listing).
Single-person walk test. Fire drill function.
Zone disable capability (software).
32-Event history buffer with time-and-date
stamp.Accurate real-time clock/calendar.
Extensive built-in transient protection.
Electronics and operational controls fully
enclosed in a lockable cabinet capable of
housing up to 7AH batteries.
Optional: contact-by-zone module, remote
annunciator, printer interface for on- or off-line
Listings and approvals below apply to the
basic Flex 405 panel. In some cases, certain
modules may not be listed by certain
approval agencies, or listing may be in
process. Consult factory for latest listing
UL Listed.
CSFM approved: file 7165-1288:179.
MEA approved: file 366-04-E.
Flex 405 CS-2405 09/01/06
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