800 MHz, 2:1 Analog Multiplexers
Excellent ac performance
−3 dB bandwidth
800 MHz (200 mV p-p)
730 MHz (2 V p-p)
Slew rate: 2800 V/μs
Low power: 75 mW, VS = 5 V
Excellent video performance
>100 MHz, 0.1 dB gain flatness
0.02% differential gain/0.02° differential phase error
(RL = 150 Ω)
IN0 1
IN1 3
V+ 4
7 EN
G = +1
5 V–
(G = +2)
Figure 1.
Gain = +1 (ADV3219) or gain = +2 (ADV3220)
Low crosstalk of −82 dB @ 5 MHz and −60 dB @ 100 MHz
High impedance output disable allows connection of
multiple devices without loading the output bus
8-lead LFCSP
Routing of high speed signals including
Video (NTSC, PAL, S, SECAM, YUV, and RGB)
Compressed video (MPEG, wavelet)
3-level digital video (HDB3)
Data communications
The ADV3219/ADV3220 include an output buffer that can be
placed into a high impedance state to allow multiple outputs to
be connected together for cascading stages without the off channels
loading the output bus. The ADV3219 has a gain of +1, and the
ADV3220 has a gain of +2; they both operate on 5 V supplies
while consuming less than 7.5 mA of idle current.
The ADV3219 and ADV3220 are high speed, high slew rate,
buffered, 2:1 analog multiplexers. They offer a −3 dB signal
bandwidth greater than 800 MHz and channel switch times of
less than 20 ns with 1% settling. With −60 dB of crosstalk and
−82 dB isolation (at 100 MHz), the ADV3219 and ADV3220 are
useful in many high speed applications. The differential gain of
less than 0.02% and the differential phase of less than 0.02°,
together with 0.1 dB flatness beyond 100 MHz while driving a
75 Ω back terminated load, make the ADV3219 and ADV3220
ideal for all types of signal switching.
The ADV3219/ADV3220 are available in the 8-lead LFCSP
package over the extended industrial temperature range of
−40°C to +85°C.
Rev. 0
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