High Resolution, Zero-Drift
Current Shunt Monitor
High common-mode voltage range
4.5 V to 80 V operating
0 V to 85 V survival
Buffered output voltage
Wide operating temperature range: −40°C to +125°C
Excellent ac and dc performance
100 nV/°C typical offset drift
100 µV/°C typical offset
5 ppm/°C typical gain drift
100 dB typical CMRR at dc
Figure 1.
High side current sensing
48 V telecom
Power management
Base stations
Unidirectional motor control
Precision high voltage current sources
The AD8217 is a high voltage, high-resolution current shunt
amplifier. It features a set gain of 20 V/V, with a maximum
0.ꢀ35 gain error over the entire temperature range. The
buffered output voltage directly interfaces with any typical
converter. The AD8217 offers excellent common-mode rejection
from 4.3 V to 80 V, and includes an internal LDO, which directly
powers the device from the high voltage rail. Therefore, no addi-
tional supply is necessary, provided that the input common-mode
range is 4.3 V to 80 V. The AD8217 performs unidirectional
current measurements across a shunt resistor in a variety of
industrial and telecom applications including motor control,
battery management, and base station power amplifier bias
The AD8217 offers breakthrough performance throughout the
−40°C to +123°C temperature range. It features a zero-drift
core, which leads to a typical offset drift of 100 nV/°C
throughout the operating temperature and common-mode
voltage range. Special attention is devoted to output linearity
being maintained throughout the input differential voltage range
of 0 mV to 230 mV, regardless of the common-mode voltage
present, and the typical input offset voltage is 100 μV.
The AD8217 is offered in a 8-lead MSOP package and is
specified from −40°C to +123°C.
Rev. 0
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One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781.329.4700
Fax: 781.461.3113
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